PRS Founder – Brian Carroll

Performance Enhancement & Injury Resilience Specialist | Consultant, Coach, Author, Retired WR Powerlifter | 22 Years In The Strength Game | First To Squat Over 1300 In Competition

McGill Method Certified Practitioner


As a McGill Method Certified Practitioner, Brian Carroll is dedicated to helping clients reduce the risk of low back pain and injury, improve their health outcomes, and enhance their performance. His approach is intensely personalized. He uses his experience working with Professor McGill in history-taking and movement assessment information to craft corrective/therapeutic and performance-enhancement exercises that precisely meet his clients’ needs. 


Over the past decade, Brian has worked alongside Professor Stuart McGill, his co-author of ‘Gift of Injury.’ He has shared his knowledge through courses and seminars worldwide, aiding others in recovering from back injuries. His successful track record with athletes and individuals of all ages, helping them regain a pain-free lifestyle and improve well-being, regardless of their goals, is a testament to his effectiveness.


Athlete, Author, Speaker & Coach

Brian is a retired world-class powerlifter with over two decades of world-class powerlifting. Since 1999, Brian Carroll has been a competitive powerlifter, one of the most accomplished lifters in the sport’s history. Having lifted at the elite world-class level since 2005,  back from a devastating back injury in 2012 that broke multiple bones and most experts said he would never recover from, he has returned to the pinnacle of world-class lifting (while 100% pain and symptom-free).


He is now dedicated to helping others avoid the mistakes he made in the past through private and group coaching. Brian met with world-renowned back specialist Prof McGill in 2013, which changed his trajectory more than he could have imagined. In 2017, Brian Carroll and McGill authored the best-selling book about Brian’s triumphant comeback to powerlifting in Gift of Injury. Most recently (10.3.20) -Brian set the highest squat of all time (regardless of weight class) with 1306 lbs –  being the first man to break the 1300lb squat barrier at a bodyweight of 303 lbs.

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Gift of Injury

In the highly competitive world of strength athletics, a back injury is seen by many as the ultimate career-ender. In truth, if handled properly, it is far from a death sentence. Follow the journey of international powerlifting champion Brian Carroll, who can attest to this firsthand. This remarkable athlete went from 1100 lb squats and 800 lb deadlifts to unending pain and disability after a massive spinal compression injury. After a fortuitous meeting with leading back expert Dr. Stuart McGill – Brian Carroll, World Record Power Lifter- reset his training and life to fight back to the top of the winner’s podium. Brian is pain and symptom-free to this day, after competing for seven years post-McGill meeting, and retired after being the first man to squat over 1300lbs, regardless of weight class, in 2020.

“Gift of Injury is an extraordinary book that proves the adage that safety is not the opposite of performance but a part of it. Packed with priceless cues, it is a must for every serious strength athlete and coach.“

— Pavel Tsatsouline, Chairman, StrongFirst, Inc.


From The Author and creator, Brian Carroll: “Learn to be your coach — With 10/20/Life, my objective is to teach you to get the results you want by coaching yourself—the same way a superior coach would take you through an individualized program in a great gym. We start with a thorough examination of your weak points because that’s how quality coaching works. The idea is to show you what to program and when based on your squat, bench press, and deadlift weaknesses. This sounds simple, but it’s something most people don’t even consider, much less put into practice.”

“Brian Carroll has been involved in Powerlifting for nearly 20 years. His years of ‘in the trenches’ knowledge and wisdom have helped me with insights concerning my own programming, my back rehab (our stories are similar) and his 10/20/Life strength training principles are proven over and over to help keep athletes honest, healthy and strong for the long haul.“

— Blaine Sumner “The Vanilla Gorilla” – IPF World Champion, IPF World Record holder and highest Wilks score in powerlifting history

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Gift of Injury Book

10/20/LIFE Book

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