I reached out to Brian in August of 2021 after I went through Army Special Forces Assessment and Selection. My MRI showed a massive herniation between L4-L5, disc degeneration along the whole lumbar spine, with a couple of other less dramatic herniations as you moved up the spine. I had been in pain for years and tried every avenue, including acupuncture, dry needling, chiropractic, massage therapy, medication, traction tables, rest, etc.
After Selection, I was going on four months of sleeping 1 hour a night at best while on my hands and knees because that was the only position I didn't have shooting pain down my leg. I was at an all-time low. I reached out to Brian to get his take on what my MRIs and symptoms might mean for my future. I trusted his knowledge and expertise due to following him and Dr. Stu McGill for years while I was powerlifting. He was brutally honest, a breath of fresh air compared to the surgeons I had seen. Unfortunately, my herniation was so bad that I decided to have the surgery, knowing it could end my career in the military. I could take no chances. Post-surgery, I took full advantage of working with Brian.
The personalization of his protocol allowed me to finish the rest of the Q course to become a Green Beret. During the course, I was put through a myriad of events that are not in the slightest bit safe for a healthy back, let alone my back that was just operated on. However, Brian was with me every step of the way, adapting our program to meet the needs of the military and my personal goals. This resulted in me exceeding every maximum standard put in place before me. Thanks to his advice and support, I am now a Green Beret with a bright future. He has not only been a great coach but also a great mentor and friend. You won't find another guy like this.
Adam Hugeman, United States Army Special Forces