Dan Dalenberg | Week 7 Offseason | Bench

I recently lifted at the Arnold Classic XPC meet where I totaled 1955, benched 500 raw and pulled a PR deadlift. Off season training has started after a nice long deload. I’m going back to what has worked the absolute best for me, having Brian Carroll handle writing my programming. 

Moving from the floor press work onto the two board for my main movement.

1. 2 Board Press- Top set of 5 at RPE 6

Up through 405. This moved really well and felt light. The best part about it is my descent speed. The speed work has been paying off and I am bringing moderately heavy weight down much faster than in the past.

2. Speed Bench- Doubles

Several doubles with 225+mini band.

3. Flat Dumbbell Press

4. Dips

5. Stir the pot

This week was a little hectic and not my best from a diet standpoint. I was supporting a corporate audit and didn’t eat as well as I should have been. The audit meant for higher stress and considerably longer days than usual. Regardless, I got all of the work in that I needed to and will get back on track with my eating.

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Daniel Dalenberg

Dan Dalenberg is a pro level raw and equipped powerlifter with elite totals in the 220, 242 and 275 class. Best official raw meet lifts include an 804 squat, 507 bench press, 715 dead lift and 2006 total. Best equipped lifts include an 950 squat, 715 bench, 735 deadlift and 2400 total at 242. Dan has been training under Brian's guidance using the 10/20/Life methodology since late 2010.
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