5-12 Vacation Deload Training and Belt Art!


I’m currently training to qualify and compete at the XPC Finals at the Arnold. I am transitioning my training right now away from weightlifting into powerlifting and hope to change the all time record books once again.


Had the pleasure of taking a week long vacation with my wife, brother-in-law’s ,sister-in-law’s and all of my nieces this week and loved every second of it. I married into a terrific family and got to play with three of the sweetest little girls you could ever hope to meet all week. The wife and I got in some good down week training and also got our belts airbrushed with some cool stuff. Check it out!


Heavy Lower Day (Warm ups – Empty bar squats, rotational hip stretches, TFL stretch, bird dogs and shoulder mobility)
PL Squat +Inzer Wraps = up to 605×1
– All very easy.  Bar was a bit whippy at the gym here so took a little extra time to settle before starting the rep.

– Romanian Deadlifts = 365 3×3

Planks = 3x 1min

Heavy Upper Day 1 (Warm-ups-shoulder mobility, chin-ups)
Paused Bench Press  = 335lbs 5 singles with long pauses
– easy stuff

Paused No Touch Presses (just off chest) = 5×2 275lbs

Pull Ups = 5×2 BW+45lbs  with hanging pauses between reps.


Depth looks pretty crappy from this angle and it honestly felt a little high.  Don’t think it will be the downfall of my training cycle though.


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Derek Wilcox

Derek Wilcox is a multi-faceted strength athlete currently living in Tennessee with his wife, Emily. He is studying at East TN State for Sport Physiology and Performance. He works through Renaissance Periodization as a Nutrition and Training Consultant and has an impressive personal list of strength accomplishments. Strongman since 2009, National Meet Qualifier in Weightlifting in 2009 at 94kg and 105kg. Class A Highland Games Athlete since 2009. Elite PL Totals at 165, 181, 198, and 220. Pro Totals in 181, 198, 220. All time WR Squat at 181 with a 935. Lightest to ever squat 1000 pounds doing it at 194 pounds. His best meet lifts are 1000 squat at 198, 565 bench at 220 and 725 deadlift at 220.
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