Brian Carroll | 10/20/Life 27 weeks out | Week 2, day 1 | Plus diet and rehab

The shirt in my featured image is one of our newest!

I want to give a shoutout to and for their support and backing. Support the companies that support our sport!

I just finished a 10-week training cycle where I accomplished my goals of getting back to competition strength and shape and will be entering into a long offseason for the upcoming WPO in Nov of this year. Like many other TeamPRS athletes, our very own Tucker Loken is handling my diet.

I did something wonky to my pec about 4 weeks ago as I was warming up before squat/DL day. It was bizarre. Nothing ripped off but more of a strain and a cramp. None the less it was very tight and locked up for a couple of weeks. It happens when I start getting too lean, too quick. I will be more prepared from here on out.


My plan for week 2 was to go a little heavier than the prior week and knock off some rust.

I’m doing a lot of rehab and prehab for some shoulder issues (super tight and weak rotators) that have been building for a long time. As a powerlifter, we are always teetering on the brink of epic failure or disaster. Or, sometimes just a small strain :).

My good friends Dr. Amy and Dr. Mary D have worked on me off and on for about ten years. Jamie is my massage therapist there. They are my go-tos locally for fine-tuning my mobility, prehab and rehab and helping me brainstorm and think outside the box. Admittedly, when I moved 4-years ago, it was much harder for me to see them often. I regret this but have made the changes necessary.

Dr. Crosby is and has been my weekly maintaince guy as he is much closer to my house; we work well together and have been friends since elementary school. He does my regular ART, Graston, manipulation, and any soft tissue usually and is always extremely helpful. Danielle is my massage therapist there.

It takes time, money and a lot of planning to spend all the time going to and having rehab/prehab sessions 2x a week, not counting your homework they assign you.

I guess, in ways, I’m going the extra mile in every direction. The little things I’d overlook before like “Oh, once a week is good enough, you’re busy.” The problem is once a week is good enough until it isn’t. Your body tends to let you know.

I want to sufficiently address this (i.e., why I think it happened) in an article soon with more depth.

Anyway, training:

Normal warm-up: 

Band fly

McGill Big 3

BW squat/Goblet squat

Squats w/SSB:






Belt squat with pause: 


Leg Extension Leg Curl: 4×8

Stir the pot: 60

Monster walks with sled backward: 50ydx3

It was good to get back under the bar, again. A little tight, working on perfect form and depth with the SSB for another couple of weeks. My form is not as good as it needs to be. But when it’s time, I am looking forward to getting back to the straight bar soon.

I’ll be going a little heavier this weekend, maybe to the 500s on squat, possibly a couple of deadlifts too.

Piggy-backing off of the top of this blog post, I am having Tucker handle my nutrition. I need it to be mindless for me. I have always done my diet for the most part and had some help from time to time. But, I’ve always preferred to do my own.

The point to the diet change is taking my bodyweight down into the 250s, then recomping back up to the high 250’s and staying there. I am over huge cuts, plain and simple.

So, I’m starting much sooner, five months plus, and getting my bodyfat down, and will be monitoring every aspect of my weight, macros, micros while tracking how I feel the entire time for the entire offseason, vs just turning it on the final ten weeks.

Tucker has me following a very reasonable approach to the diet with a great combination of carbs, fat, and protein. I am drinking 2 shakes a day and enjoy it! It’s Chicken, Fish, Beef with the regular rice, potatoes, and veggies. Not too much different than I usually do, other than far fewer cheerios and Oreos.

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian is a retired world-class powerlifter with over two decades of world-class powerlifting. From 1999 to 2020, Brian Carroll was a competitive powerlifter, one of the most accomplished lifters in the sport's history. Brian started off competing in bench press competitions 'raw,' then, shortly into the journey, he gravitated toward equipped lifting as there were no "raw" categories then. You only had to choose from single-ply (USPF) and Multi-ply (APF/WPC). Brian went on to total 2730 at 275 and 2651 at 242 with more than ten times his body weight in three different classes (220, 242, 275), and both bench pressed and deadlifted over 800 pounds in two other weight classes. He's totaled 2600 over 20 times in 2 different weight classes in his career. With 60 squats of 1000lbs or more officially, this is the most in powerlifting history, regardless of weight class or federation, by anyone not named David Hoff. Brian realized many ups and downs during his 20+ years competing. After ten years of high-level powerlifting competition and an all-time World Record squat at 220 with 1030, in 2009, Brian was competing for a Police academy scholarship. On a hot and humid July morning, Brian, hurdling over a barricade at 275lbs, landed on, fell, and hurt his back. After years of back pain and failed therapy, Brian met with world-renowned back specialist Prof McGill in 2013, which changed his trajectory more than he could have imagined. In 2017, Brian Carroll and Prof McGill authored the best-selling book about Brian's triumphant comeback to powerlifting in Gift of Injury. Most recently (10.3.20) -Brian set the highest squat of all time (regardless of weight class) with 1306 lbs – being the first man to break the 1300lb squat barrier at a bodyweight of 303 lbs.
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