01 Jul Dan Dalenberg- 6/30/2014 Squat Training
Last week of heavy squatting in my hybrid off season/bench meet prep. Decided to add a reverse band and go for something big. I spent the last 10 weeks or so experimenting with my squat stance and came to the conclusion to not change what was working so well. While it was a little frustrating since my squatting has been very hit or miss, this is exactly one of the things the offseason is for. Still ended up with a nice PR.Â
Week 3- Day 2
Warm Up
Goblet squats, KB swings, stretch pecs and hips. McGill Big 3
1. Reverse Band Squat- Singles to 9RPE (DON”T MISS)
Added rev. average band at 505. Went 595, 685, 750 and finished with 800 (video below). The was 25 pounds more than I had ever handled and much heavier than anything I have handled in the last 2 months. A little shaky, but overall still good progress. I need to work on bringing it down faster, came down slow. That’s a big part of the reason I like rev. bands. Now I know what 800 feels like and hopefully between now and Relentless Detroit this fall I will get used to the pressure.
2. Deadlift- 5 speed singles
My back was completely fried. 315 for singles.
3. Hack Squats- 3 x 15- 150 x 3. We have a nice, plate loaded hack squat that I actually really like.
4. Birddogs- 10×10 second hold per side [share title=”Share this Article” facebook=”true” twitter=”true” google_plus=”true” linkedin=”true” pinterest=”true” reddit=”true” email=”true”][author title=”About the Author”]
Daniel Dalenberg
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