18 Nov Dan Dalenberg- More recovery stuff/Trying on Gear/Misc
Currently I am resting and recovering from Relentless. In a couple weeks I will start my off season and be slowly working towards a single ply meet in the spring. I am not done raw by any means, much bigger goals there but I am looking for a change of pace for a bit.Â
Tons of bird dogs and McGill Curl ups
50 reps or so of goblet squats
Did some hack squats and leg extensions. I actually really like our hack squat. I always feel like I can really fully exhaust my quads on it and I find it to be a nice recovery tool as well.
Finished up with some body weight step ups. Don’t underestimate this movement. Harder than you might think, just be sure to not use the other leg to sort of hop (kip, jump, whatever) and cheat it.
Tried on some gear
One of my training partners brought me in a single ply deadlift suit to try. At first I thought it might be a little loose but honestly, it wasn’t bad once I got it on. Plenty tight in the quads and once we got the straps up getting to the bar was difficult but not impossible. Probably not as super tight as some guys wear, but I am just looking to qualify for the Olympia. Looking at the current single ply rankings I should be in good shape. My 2K raw would be pretty high up there.. So even decent gear should put me in a decent spot.
I think this will be the right path for me to take for the time being. Wear looser stuff and learn it just to get qualified and then move on to something tighter.
Should be trying on some bench and squat gear soon.
I saw this on the facebooks more than a couple times recently, same basic message each time at least:
“My total doesn’t care what hurts, back in the gym smashing weights DUDE”
Actually, yes it does. When you are too beat down in 6 weeks to finish your training cycle correctly, or when you pop something off your total sure as hell will care. So many injuries in powerlifting are the result of overuse injuries that festered into bigger stuff. Pushing through the pain of a strain, tendinitis, whatever can quickly turn into a tear.
Maybe I’m just a pussy. [share title=”Share this Article” facebook=”true” twitter=”true” google_plus=”true” linkedin=”true” pinterest=”true” reddit=”true” email=”true”][author title=”About the Author”]

Daniel Dalenberg

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