26 May Dan Dalenberg | Off season | Bench
I recently competed at the 2017 Arnold XPC Finals where I went 8/9, squatting 940, benching 700, pulling 730 for a 2370 total at 242 multi-ply. I will be transitioning into a long offseason that will include a deadlift only meet in the middle of it.Â
This was the last week of this off season phase. Over the past several weeks, the focus has mainly been on floor pressing and partial ranges of motion. Overall, I think it went just OK. Nothing spectacular but some reasonable progress was made.
1. Bench- 1 Board- 9 RPE Single
Benching raw feels bad. I don’t like it anymore.
Up to 455. My rule of thumb is that if I can work up to about an opener at the end of an offseason, I’m feeling pretty good about how it turned out. If I were to do a raw meet, 450 is about where I would open so this wasn’t too bad.
2. Close Grip 3 Board
225 x 5, 275 x 5, 315 x 3 x 5
3. Pull Ups
Neutral grip for 5 x 8
4. 100 reps of pushdowns
The next phase of training I will probably be doing some shirted benching. I have a new SDP that should arrive tomorrow so I want to use the off season to get some work in it and break it in.

Daniel Dalenberg

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