05 Apr Dan Dalenberg |Off season Wk2 | SQ/DL
I recently lifted at the Arnold Classic XPC meet where I totaled 1955, benched 500 raw and pulled a PR deadlift. Off season training has started after a nice long deload. I’m going back to what has worked the absolute best for me, having Brian Carroll handle writing my programming.
1. Pause Squat– RPE 7, top set of 4
Worked up through 455. Dain commented that he hadn’t seen me not wear any kind of knee support over 225 in the year that we have trained together. Very well may be true. Lifting naked knees for the next several weeks certainly isn’t going to make me weaker. Hopefully see some improvement.
2. Pause Deads- RPE 7, top set of 4
Worked up through 405. Took 455 but got sloppy so put it down after the first rep. Still very easy, but Brian and I agreed that as soon as technique breaks down on these to shut it down.
3. Piston Squats– 235 x 3 x 6
4. Single Leg DL– 3 x 10 per leg. These are hard. I can feel all kinds of little muscles firing to keep balance for these.
5. Stir the Pot– 100
Bodyweight: 240 this morning. Happy with where I’m at still and intend to stay right about here, 238-242.
Daniel Dalenberg
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