29 Mar Dan Dalenberg | Offseason Wk1 | SQ/DL
I recently lifted at the Arnold Classic XPC meet where I totaled 1955, benched 500 raw and pulled a PR deadlift. Off season training has started after a nice long deload. I’m going back to what has worked the absolute best for me, having Brian Carroll handle writing my programming.Â
1. Pause Squat: RPE 6, top set of 5
Bunch of sets, working up to 375.
I used the buffalo bar here and will continue to for most of the off season. Also, I won’t be wearing wraps much, if at all. My recent couple of squat misses have been right out of the hole. The weight pops up the first couple inches and stalls. I think I have become too dependent on the support from wraps as well as generally being weak at the bottom. So unwrapped pause squats it is.
2. Pause Deadlifts: RPE 6, top set of 5
Several sets at 315, pausing right at or just below the knee. These feel a lot like a full range Dimmel DL. I watched my XPC deads a lot of times and my 3rd attempt flies off the floor and slows right about here. Hopefully these will help make me stronger in the position and able to hold technique as well as develop more strength through this portion of the movement.
This is kind of an awkward movement. I got lazy on my starting position and then saw how strange it looked on video. Cleaned it up for the last set.
3. Piston Squats- 3 x 6
#QUADSLIKEROBB, hopefully at least.
4. One leg DL- 3 x 10
5. Stir the pot for a lot
Holding steady at 237. Squatting feels a little different. Not majorly so, but between coming off a long deload and being light doesn’t feel quite as good as usual. Deadlift, on the other hand, feels great. I’m able to get in a position that I simply couldn’t get to before. I know the paused pulls were light, but I feel very explosive here. Might end up being some give and take, sacrifice a little on the squat but really get my deadlift going.
Daniel Dalenberg
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