29 Oct Dan Dalenberg | RPS Meet Report
I recently lifted in the Lexen Fall Classic in Columbus, Ohio where I totaled 2400 via a 950 squat, 715 bench and 735 deadlift at 242 multi-ply.
Getting to Columbus
I made the grueling cut from 244 to 239.6 pretty easy….
Uneventful trip, uneventful weigh in and uneventful day before the meet. So exactly to plan!
The Meet
I had a ton of help for this one. All the guys wanted to go so we had a big crew. Rolled into the meet at 8:30 to find a spot and settle in.
I’ve found that the easiest way for me to get everything in during warm ups is to start about 1 and a half flights out from mine. Being in the 3rd flight, this meant starting my bodyweight stuff and raw warm ups about 1/2 way through the 1st flights squats. After hitting my usual McGill work, some goblet squats and a little of upper body stretching I took:
Bar x 5
1 plate x 5
2 plates x 3
3 plates x 1
Then on went briefs (triple ply, grid stitched Predators)
4 plates x 1
Suit on! Straps up! Strings just snug
5 plates x 1
6 plates x 1
Strings tightened up, straps tighter
7 plates x 1
Full gear, wraps and all.
825 x 1 and done.
Timed everything perfect and got it just right. With 4 people there to help me, it meant that my crew ran one of the monolifts. I made it clear to Chris and Cody that they were to maintain control of that mono and just help everyone through, so I could take whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted it. Selfish? Yes. But really it makes for a good experience for the other lifters too, because it means they get to benefit from my spotters and loaders.
Opener- 900. Came down a little slower than I should have and got hung up in the bottom. Felt like I sat down there forever before finally getting called up! No problems though.
2nd- 950. I correctly anticipated the up call and reversed the weight as Chris gave me the call.
3rd- 970. MISS. Jumped the call and missed on depth. Handled it well, just need to be more disciplined on waiting.
Bar, 135, 225, 315. Quick and easy.
Shirt on- triple/triple SDP
405 to 3 boards
495 to 2 boards
585 to 1 board
Opener- 660. A lot went wrong here, ultimately all of it being my fault. We had some serious miscommunication on how the handout would go, Chris never got the “release” call he was waiting for so I was up at the top for a long time. Came down rough, took forever to touch and lost it into the upright at the top.
I knew this was my fault. I needed to communicate precisely what each person would do exactly, down to the exact words they would say. So, before my next attempt we had a little team meeting where I am sure that I acted like a total jerk but got it all straightened out. This was the first time I had missed an opener, so now I was getting nervous. I also knew that if I bombed Dain would get back at me for all the hell I’ve given him over the past year. He was riding back with me, so I was probably going to have to put him on a bus if I bombed.
2nd- 680, good. Got everything right and it came down easy. Thank goodness.
3rd- 715, good. Tweaked my left pec pretty good at lock out but otherwise a great bench!
Warm ups are a little different here. Straight to full gear, double ply grid stitched predators and single/double grid stitched Fusion suit.
315, 405, 500 and 585 for singles
Opener- 670, good
2nd- Jumped to 735 to total 2400. Good!
3rd- To make the top 20 all time, I needed 2450, which meant a 785 pull. I knew that wasn’t going to happen so I called a nice round number of 750. Here’s the thing about my deadlifting though. I pretty much only pull what I have to pull, it is a means to an end. 750 meant nothing, in my mind there was no difference between 2400 and 2415. So when I got about to my knees and pec was pulling a bit, I put it down. No big deal!
Overall pleased with how it went. 10 pound squat PR, 15 pound bench PR, 5 pound deadlift PR and a 30 pound total PR. A good day! And on only 6 lifts at that. I left some out there to go get in the spring, but I managed a nice milestone.
Chelsea- For putting up with me! I’m a pain in the butt, I know. You’re a saint for dealing with it and letting a group of stinky, sweaty dudes use the garage as a gym. I love you.
Chris, Dain, Dakota, Cody- Sorry for the abuse! This meet was the perfect example though of what it takes to lift in gear at a high level. It takes a big group that knows how to handle themselves. Really good work.
Zane- Your coaching kept me on a track and had me ready for a big day. Even with some pounds left out there, I managed a big total and a nice finish.
Brian- As always, for being a sounding board, keeping me equipped with the best and having this uncanny ability to get under my skin just enough to make me want to do better.
Byrd- For sanity checking my lifting at the meet. Another set of eyes is always helpful.
What’s Next?
The Arnold XPC in March, pretty likely at 220. First, I need a break, get this pec fixed up and some rest.

Daniel Dalenberg

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