Dan Dalenberg | Week 11 | SQ/DL

Training for the XPC/RPS Atlantic City meet on August 29th. I will be lifting raw with wraps at 242.

Good squat and pull night with 8 of us lifting. Two monolifts running side by side, it was a good time. I was deloading so not exactly the most exciting training but fun to see the new, bigger group working together.

Squat- 50% x 3 x 1

420 for 3 singles

Deads- 50% x 3 x 1

405 x 3 x 1. Yes it was more than 50 percent. The point was to pull something light for 3 singles. 405 fit the bill.

Finished with leg extensions and McGill work.

MEAT write up

One of my main training partners, Kelly Parker, lifted at APF Raw nationals this weekend. Kelly has been a gym rat forever, over 20 years. After constant badgering he finally entered a meet in January and caught the bug. He just benched and pulled, still working on getting him to squat more consistently.

Bench- Opened with 424, went 446 and finished 463. 61 pound PR from the January meet. 23 pound life time PR.

Deads- Opened with 565, went 606 and finished with 645. 17 pound PR both lifetime and meet conditions.

GOOD STUFF. Kelly is 45 years old and just now really getting into competing. I introduced him to 10/20/Life about a year ago and just provide a little guidance. He writes his own training cycles, I just answer questions from time to time. Pretty sweet to see a 45 year old gym rat still setting new PRs and making progress.

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Daniel Dalenberg

Dan Dalenberg is a pro level raw and equipped powerlifter with elite totals in the 220, 242 and 275 class. Best official raw meet lifts include an 804 squat, 507 bench press, 715 dead lift and 2006 total. Best equipped lifts include an 950 squat, 715 bench, 735 deadlift and 2400 total at 242. Dan has been training under Brian's guidance using the 10/20/Life methodology since late 2010.
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