Dan Dalenberg | Week 7 | SQ/DL

Training for the XPC/RPS Atlantic City meet on August 29th. I will be lifting raw with wraps at 242.

Continuing to build great momentum on the squat and dead.

Squat- Deload- 3 x 1

420 for 3 singles.

Dead- Opener, 2nd attempt w/reverse bands

Worked up 640 opener. This is actually a 15 pound gym PR. I’ve never been a good gym puller and I don’t care at all. Better than the other way around.

640 opener. I’m bad at pulling in the gym. This is a 15 pound gym PR 😁 #powerlifting #1020life #raw

A video posted by Daniel Dalenberg (@ddalenberg) on

Then went up to 705 with reverse bands. I usually would pull with a reverse average band but we don’t have a set at this gym that are in decent shape. So I pulled it with 2 reverse light bands, one set was new and the other had a lot of miles on it. Similar tension to my usual setup I think, but really it doesn’t matter. 

Reverse band 2nd attempt. 705. #raw #1020life #powerlifting

A video posted by Daniel Dalenberg (@ddalenberg) on

Pause Squats- 3 x 3

It was super hot in the gym, very humid and I was pretty gassed. Ready to be done so did 3 quick sets with 290. Then we decided to rearrange the gym… that was smart.


Funny- Chelsea and I spent the weekend with my family up north in Traverse City, MI. Beautiful place that I highly recommend if you want a quiet getaway. I ate like a KING and ended up bloating up 7 pounds in 3 days. WHOOPS. 258 is getting a little farther from 242 than I would like! Last night’s sweat shop deadlift session pulled it off of me, 251 this morning. I’m disgusting.

Cool- We went on this same trip last year. I was looking at pictures from then and comparing to now. I’m a few pounds heavier but look leaner. Remember, leaner is all relative. I’m not Dan Green or Tee Cummins lean. But I am bigger and better put together than last year. The drop and rebuild was very successful. I will definitely do the same thing the next time I have a really long off season. I also feel much better and this is close to the heaviest I have ever been. Bulk and cut and bulk broooooo.

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Daniel Dalenberg

Dan Dalenberg is a pro level raw and equipped powerlifter with elite totals in the 220, 242 and 275 class. Best official raw meet lifts include an 804 squat, 507 bench press, 715 dead lift and 2006 total. Best equipped lifts include an 950 squat, 715 bench, 735 deadlift and 2400 total at 242. Dan has been training under Brian's guidance using the 10/20/Life methodology since late 2010.
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