Dan Dalenberg | XPC- 6 out | SQ/DL

I’m currently in contest prep for the 2017 Arnold Classic XPC Finals. I will be lifting multi-ply at 242. My training is being written and guided by Brian Carroll.

This session was pretty tough. The weights are starting to get pretty heavy and it was a big jump from the last heavy day and this one. On the squat, we went from 700 on the top set to just under 900 this time. Deads went from low 500s to mid 600s. Things are getting heavy in a hurry!

Squat- Last warm up x 1, Rev Band opener x 2 x 1

This was a little bit of a mess. I was having a lot of trouble opening up and unracking correctly. We loosened up the quads on my suit and that helped a lot on the unrack. I still didn’t feel quite right though. I didn’t realize it until afterwards, but I was doing the same thing wrong as the last cycle. My feet were a little too far forward, putting me in a difficult position to sit back and spread the floor.

Looks a lot better on video than it felt. I think I know exactly how to fix it though, so next week should be better.

Projected opener- 875. 850 was a little too light last time and took way too long to get to depth. A little more weight and more experience should make this easier.

Deads- Last warm up x 1, Opener x 2 x 1

My philosophy on deadlift warm ups is that you don’t really need to. When training combo style like I do, I just finished squatting. At the meet, I will have squatted and benched and done all of the associated warm ups.

My body is already warm. Plus, I’m already fatigued. No reason to pull more than I need to in the warm up room. My back, hips and legs are already good and warm.

315 x 1

405 x 1

495 x 1

650 x 2 x 1

See? Not much. At the meet I will do the McGill 3 prior to that, but that’s it.

I still really like the suit + briefs. I need to be a little more patient and wedge a little harder. You’ll see me lose position at the start for just a second. If I force my chest up and pull a little more slack out it will be just right. Overall really easy reps though.

One leg DL

Timed Planks

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Daniel Dalenberg

Dan Dalenberg is a pro level raw and equipped powerlifter with elite totals in the 220, 242 and 275 class. Best official raw meet lifts include an 804 squat, 507 bench press, 715 dead lift and 2006 total. Best equipped lifts include an 950 squat, 715 bench, 735 deadlift and 2400 total at 242. Dan has been training under Brian's guidance using the 10/20/Life methodology since late 2010.
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