Strong(ish) Garagebell Chronicals 6-19-16 *Video* Briefs, Shirt Banchin and Wifey Lifting


I’m currently training to qualify and compete at the XPC Finals at the Arnold. I am transitioning my training right now away from weightlifting into powerlifting and hope to change the all time record books once again.

This is the first time I’ve been in powerlifting equipment since last fall and even though I have been using this stuff for over a decade now it still catches me a little offguard when I haven’t been in for this long.  Still very familiar with everything mentally but the body still has a little catching up to do!

Heavy Lower Day (Warm ups – Empty bar squats, rotational hip stretches, TFL stretch, bird dogs and shoulder mobility)
Squats + Inzer 3-ply Predator Briefs = 625 3×3
– Just breaking these in, Still quite snug so I had spandex on under them to get them up and make them more manageable.

Romanian Deadlifts (posterior chain emphasis) = 3×3 405
– Keeping the low back locked in here to stress the hamstrings


Heavy Upper Day 1 (Warm-ups-shoulder mobility, chin-ups)
Shirted Bench = 405×3 455×3 505×3
– Had missed the eyeballs blowing out of your face feeling so this was a nice return to that.  Around a 2 board from touching so not a real bad start here.  Also messed around with a thumbless grip in the shirt.  This has felt much better for me unequipped in the last year or so and I finally got the gumption/lack of better judgement to try it here.  Felt a lot better but I also wouldn’t do it without face savers either.

Pull ups = BW +45lbs 5×2
– Shoulders were murdered after using the shirt so just moved on to pull ups.  Small tweak in left lat but healed up quickly

Had the pleasure of playing in a fundraiser golf tournament (Feature Photo) with some of the coolest professors from ETSU (or anywhere else) you could hope to meet.  I honestly played much worse than I normally do but still had a good time with them.  I really do feel lucky to be able to learn and work with the people I do here.



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Derek Wilcox

Derek Wilcox is a multi-faceted strength athlete currently living in Tennessee with his wife, Emily. He is studying at East TN State for Sport Physiology and Performance. He works through Renaissance Periodization as a Nutrition and Training Consultant and has an impressive personal list of strength accomplishments. Strongman since 2009, National Meet Qualifier in Weightlifting in 2009 at 94kg and 105kg. Class A Highland Games Athlete since 2009. Elite PL Totals at 165, 181, 198, and 220. Pro Totals in 181, 198, 220. All time WR Squat at 181 with a 935. Lightest to ever squat 1000 pounds doing it at 194 pounds. His best meet lifts are 1000 squat at 198, 565 bench at 220 and 725 deadlift at 220.
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