I’m training for RPS Redemption III May 28th in Ft. Myers, FL. [wa-wps] [fbvideo link="https://www.facebook.com/jason.kowalewski.9/videos/10208989284320108/" width="500" height="400" onlyvideo="1"] https://www.instagram.com/p/BEXOMgzOpR9 Squat / Deadlift – Saturday 4/16/16 McGill Big 3, Goblet squats and an empty bar were part of the warm up...

I’m training for RPS Redemption III May 28th in Ft. Myers, FL. [wa-wps] https://www.instagram.com/p/BD_UVc8upXU/ Week 5 mirrored week 3 with another 5% increase (working with 82%). Squat / Deadlift – Saturday 4/9/16 McGill Big 3, Goblet squats and an empty bar were...

I’m training for RPS Redemption III May 28th in Ft. Myers, FL. [wa-wps] https://www.instagram.com/p/BDzIFYnOpWI/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BD1CwzMupTy/ Squat / Deadlift – Saturday 4/2/16 Warmup consisted of the McGill Big 3, KB swings and an empty bar for a few sets. Squats (Buffalo bar) 2 x...

I’m training for RPS Redemption III May 28th in Ft. Myers, FL. [wa-wps] https://www.instagram.com/p/BDbME67upSN/ Week three brought a 5% increase in weight (working with 77%) and one less rep per set.  INZER single gripper knee wraps were added as...

I’m training for RPS Redemption III May 28th in Ft. Myers, FL. [wa-wps] https://www.instagram.com/p/BDJmsrSupVO/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BDL0AysOpV5/   Week two brought a 7% increase in weight and one less rep per set.  Came down with a minor cold few days before squats/deadlifts...

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