Brian Carroll | 10/20/Life Offseason | Week 10 day 1 Squat & Deadlift | 13 weeks out from the WPO

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I have not been logging my Wednesday Squat/DL assistance day where grip, upper back, and legs have been the focus. It’s pretty light and doesn’t differ much from week to week, so I’ve trying not to bore you all.

Will update more on this soon as I adjust this and approach the final ten weeks going into the WPO.

This training session was done just under 14 weeks out from the WPO. Pardon me being a couple of days behind.


The previous offseason mini-cycle consisted of the following:

Cambered bar squats for triples/doubles then single

4″ block pulls – same rep scheme as squat

Stability bench – stayed with more repetitions since this is more of shoulder /pec ‘rehab’/transitional at this point but same idea. Sets of 5’s then 3’s has been the go-to.


This 10/20/Life offseason mini-cycle will consist of the following:

Buffalo bar squat singles in belt, wraps and soon briefs

2″ block pulls with belt

Bench press and board work/shoulder saver and soon; SDP for some assistance work


 8.11.18 Week 10, day 1 Squat & DL:

  • RPE 7


  • McGill Big 3
  • Side laterals
  • Scapula walks
  • Internal/external rotation
  • Rear delt flye
  • Band pull-aparts


  1. Buffalo bar squats with Predator briefs and wraps: 425, 465, 515, 565, 605, 655
  2.  2″ Block pull: 425, 475, 515, 565
  3.  Belt squat with pause: 3×6
  4.  Cooldown.. then nothing
I held back a little in this session. There is no reason to feel good and push things this far out from a meet 13 weeks away.

It’s hard (for some) in this point in training to see the bigger picture. Lot’s of lifters already going so heavy (90% range or worse, more substantial than their best lift) for the WPO.

It’s also easy to get caught up in an Instagram comp to win over the people making predictions about the meet.

You see so and so? He’s hitting 1000lbs already! Holy shit, he’s going to squat 1500 on this meet, if he’s already handling 1000!

It was nice to put some Predator Briefs on once again, with my new Inzer 4x4wraps. They fit like a glove, and it was like riding a bike once again.

The pressure takes getting used to after a lay-off. But this will come.

Lots to work on but lots of time. Availability trumps ability and I have to stay in one piece to have a good shot at the belt.

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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