By: Brian Carroll Not really click bait, this is the truth. But now that I have your attention with such a bad word, I will go ahead and make my point. Leg presses are...

By: Will Kuenzel I’ve worked with a lot different groups and demographics over the years. Athletes are fun to work with. You can do anything with them. Agility and sports specific drills are pretty...

By: Daniel Dalenberg So you have just finished up a meet and now aren’t quite sure how to deload, recover and start back into training. There are a lot of ways to accomplish this...

By: Brian Carroll Weak guru’s are around everywhere. Online coaches, gurus and all this jazz have flooded the strength industry over the last three years. Yes, I’m going there, again. Why is it that some...

By: Morgan Colling “Who is Paul Key?” I asked the team when I went to Jacksonville for our SWOT session. The silence in response to my question was deafening; now in my defense, I...

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