16 Nov Dan Dalenberg | Offseason Wk1 | Bench
I recently lifted in the Lexen Fall Classic in Columbus, Ohio where I totaled 2400 via a 950 squat, 715 bench and 735 deadlift at 242 multi-ply. Next up, I will do a short off-season before starting prep for the 2018 XPC Arnold.
I was little nervous going into this session. The pec that I strained at the meet in October feels pretty good but there is still some adhesion that needs to be worked out. I intentionally spent more time warming up and was cautious throughout the session. The pec doesn’t hurt, but it is tight. I can feel that scar tissue and general nastiness tugging. Need to get it worked on again!
Floor Press- Swiss Bar, 5 x 5
Sets were done at 225, 265 and 275. Everything very light.
Bench- 2 board, Soft board, 5 x 5
225, 275, 315 x 3
I like buying gym gadgets. I like making them even more! Our soft board, or manpon, is just a 2 board with an old folded up knee wrap duct taped to the top of it. I’m thinking I need to swap out the wrap for a pool noodle though to be a little softer. It’s fancy. I know.
Bench- 5 x 5
This is where I got a little nervous and could feel that pec getting tugged on. Kept it under 275 for all 5 sets.
Band Hammer Curls-Â Monster mini for 100 reps
Band Pressdown-Â Mini for 100 reps
Band Facepulls-Â Monster mini for 100 reps

Daniel Dalenberg

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