Danny Vega – 13.1 Week 2 – Pulls, OHP, RunNING

I’m currently training for the Gasparilla Half Marathon on February 26th. I’m following Tony Cowden’s EndStrength 13.1 program. This is my first endurance event. I will be doing this while following a ketogenic diet, which I’ve stuck to since June of this year.
If you’re interested in keto and performance, check out the podcast I cohost at www.theketogenicathlete.com or listen on iTunes.


Stomach bug update: after almost a whole day without incident, Desmond woke up twice to vomit. I still feel like CRAP. This pisses me off. Went much lighter on everything. Cut some sets short. The run didn’t feel too bad.

A. Deficit pulls 135×4, 5×4@225,315,405,455,455
B. Front squat 4×4@135,225,245,275
C. 28 min run at 8 min/mile pace (3.5 miles total)

12/9 upper super sets
A1. Shoulder press 45×15, 95×8, 5×8@135,155,175,165,165
A2. Upright row 5×8@90,110,110,110,110
B1. Closegrip bench 4×10@185,205,225,235
B2. DB bent over row 4×10@95,110,110,
C1. Rope extensions 3×10@87.5,95,95
C2. Alternating DB curl 3×10@45,50,50

6 mile run in 55:03

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Danny Vega

Danny Vega is a 220lb raw powerlifter with meet bests of 640 squat in wraps (610 raw), 400 bench, and 700 deadlift. A native of Miami, Florida, Vega received his bachelor’s degree in political science from Columbia University in 2004, where he was a member of the football team and a three-time Dean’s List recipient. Vega earned his masters of science in human performance from the University of Florida, where he worked with the national championship men’s basketball team along with women’s basketball, tennis, and golf programs. He then went on to become the Strength & Conditioning coordinator for VCU basketball. The Rams were 2007 conference champions and made it to the second round of the NCAA tournament.
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