11 Dec Danny Vega – 13.1 Week 2 – Pulls, OHP, RunNING
I’m currently training for the Gasparilla Half Marathon on February 26th. I’m following Tony Cowden’s EndStrength 13.1 program. This is my first endurance event. I will be doing this while following a ketogenic diet, which I’ve stuck to since June of this year.
If you’re interested in keto and performance, check out the podcast I cohost at www.theketogenicathlete.com or listen on iTunes.
Stomach bug update: after almost a whole day without incident, Desmond woke up twice to vomit. I still feel like CRAP. This pisses me off. Went much lighter on everything. Cut some sets short. The run didn’t feel too bad.
A. Deficit pulls 135×4, 5×4@225,315,405,455,455
B. Front squat 4×4@135,225,245,275
C. 28 min run at 8 min/mile pace (3.5 miles total)
12/9 upper super sets
A1. Shoulder press 45×15, 95×8, 5×8@135,155,175,165,165
A2. Upright row 5×8@90,110,110,110,110
B1. Closegrip bench 4×10@185,205,225,235
B2. DB bent over row 4×10@95,110,110,
C1. Rope extensions 3×10@87.5,95,95
C2. Alternating DB curl 3×10@45,50,50
6 mile run in 55:03
Danny Vega
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