07 Jan Danny Vega – 13.1 Week 6
I’m currently training for the Gasparilla Half Marathon on February 26th. I’m following Tony Cowden’s EndStrength 13.1 program. This is my first endurance event. I will be doing this while following a ketogenic diet, which I’ve stuck to since June of this year.
If you’re interested in keto and performance, check out the podcast I cohost at www.theketogenicathlete.com or listen on iTunes.
This was a tough week. I’m just tired. Back to work, a little sore and run down, and overall just ready for next week’s Deload. My runs were a little slower than usual, but I definitely pushed myself. Today’s (Saturday) run was brutal. 8 miles on the treadmill at 1.0 Incline. I HATE the treadmill. But I got it done. Here’s what I did this week:
A. Duffalo bar Squat 65×8, 155×5, 205×3, 265×5, 295×5, 335×5, 365×5, 405×5
B. Weighted GHR 5×5@25
C. DB backwards lunge 4×6@31, 35, 44, 44
D. Run 90% for 60 sec, recovery for 60 sec x30. 6.39 miles in 60 min
A. Bench 45×20, 95×10, 135×8, 185×5, 225×3, 275×5, 285×5, 295×5, 305×5, 315×5
B1. Weighted chin-ups 6×5 @BW, 25, 50, 60, 71, 71
B2. Tate press 40×15, 50×12, 55×10, 60×8, 60×8
C. EZ bar curl 80×12, 90×10, 100×8, 110×8
D. Run 4 miles. 32:47
A. Block pulls 135×5, 225×4, 315×3, 415×4, 435×4, 455×4, 485×4, 505×4
B. Paused front squats 155×4, 215×4, 265×4, 295×4, 325×4
B. 1 mile repeats x4 with 6 min rest in between efforts: 6:26, 6:33, 6:39, 6:27
A. Incline bench 45×20, 95×8, 135×6, 195×6 215×6, 235×6, 255×6 , 260×6
B1. Weighted dips BWx12, 20×12, 44×12, 50×12?
B2. Weighted wide grip pull-ups BWx10, 10×10, 20×10, 25×6 + 4 at bodyweight
C. Preacher curl drop set 80×10, 60×10
A. 8 mile run in 78:12. Ran this on a treadmill at 1.0 Incline bc it was cold and rainy outside. It was terrible.
I’m lean, too. 219-220 all week. Keto baby.

Danny Vega

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