Danny Vega – Benching and Nutrition Tweaks

Over the next several months I will be the Guinea pig for some new ideas on training and diet that I will perfect with the help of Tucker Loken and Brian Carroll. This will be the groundwork for an upcoming ebook that we will release in the near future.


13 weeks of hardcore low fat dieting, fast paced training, and cardio…over the past two weekends I began to rebel. I binge ate both weekends and I’m not proud of it. Granted, it was Memorial Day weekend and this weekend was Deans birthday–complete with a trip to Disney, buffet with the characters, and a party with all the cookies, cake and junk food you can imagine.

I was already toying around with going low carb in a few weeks to compare the two approaches, but this weekend gave me the kick in the butt I needed to just go ahead and start now. So over the next month I will slowly lower the carbs and increase fat, and document every part of it for those of you who care to follow.

Training isn’t changing much except I’m going to a four day split with two dedicated cardio days instead of a little cardio at the end of most sessions. This morning I benched for the first time in a month and it felt great. Volume is still high and rest is only 2 minutes so I’m still powerbuilding. On assistance exercises I kept rest to 1 minute.


Paused bench 5×6 @295
Closegrip bench 4×6,6,5,8 @265,275,285,245
DB incline 4×8,8,6,10 @80,90,100,70
DB Flyes 4×12-15 @35,35,35,30
JM press 4×15-20 @135,145,135
Rope extensions 4×20-25 @65


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Danny Vega

Danny Vega is a 220lb raw powerlifter with meet bests of 640 squat in wraps (610 raw), 400 bench, and 700 deadlift. A native of Miami, Florida, Vega received his bachelor’s degree in political science from Columbia University in 2004, where he was a member of the football team and a three-time Dean’s List recipient. Vega earned his masters of science in human performance from the University of Florida, where he worked with the national championship men’s basketball team along with women’s basketball, tennis, and golf programs. He then went on to become the Strength & Conditioning coordinator for VCU basketball. The Rams were 2007 conference champions and made it to the second round of the NCAA tournament.
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