14 Sep Danny Vega – Deload week, Squatting, Benching, & Running
I just spent the last 3 months perfecting the 10/20/Powerbuilding template with Tucker Loken, and we nailed it. The ebook should be out by the fall under the guidance of our fearless leader, Brian Carroll. My newest goal is to complete the 666 challenge under the coaching of teammate Tony Cowden. This is by far the coolest goal I’ve set for myself and I hope to join the ranks of the few who have completed this challenge.
This week started off rough but is getting better. I hit 515×3 on squat on Monday and then did a bunch of sprints and my knee was hurting the most it has in months afterward. I was in a funk on Monday and Tuesday (apologies to my wife who has to deal with me) and for the first time questioned why I’m doing this. It’s bound to happen. Bottom line I just need to manage it and get through it. I have to remember that no matter how well I take care of myself, there are structural issues in my knee that may need surgery at some point. Tuesday mornings run stunk and was slow.
Todays bench went awesome and my run wasn’t TOO bad. Luckily tomorrow I will be off and I plan on pulling heavy and running fast in Friday. That’s the plan!
By the way, I’m now cohosting the ketogenic athlete podcast so please subscribe if you like podcasts. We will be interviewing Brian Carroll and some other teammates so check it out.
Squat 55×8, 145×6, 235×4, 285×3, 325×2, 415×1, 465×1, 515×3, 395×4 (cut it off after one set. Knee was done and I still had to run)
GHR 5×6
Running stuff.
9/13 went for a run. Not even worth mentioning bc it was slower than molasses.
Bench 45×20, 95×10, 135×6, 185×5, 225×4, 275×3, 315×1, 335×1, 350×3, 5×5@295
Weighted dips 5×8@45 ss w pull-ups 5×8
Running stuff. Still slow but better than yesterday.
I always get lazy on Deload weeks. So first of all, here is what I did last week:
Monday Deload Squat/dead
Squat 55×6, 145×5, 195×4, 235×3, 285×2, 325×1, 5×1@365
Deadlift 135×5, 225×3, 315×1, 5×1@385
Wednesday Deload bench
Bench (feet up) 45×20, 135×10, 185×6, 235×3, 3×6@255 supersetted with dead hang pull ups 3×10, 225×20
Dips 3×8 supersetted with DB row 3×8@100, 120, 120
Light run 1 mile @80% 7:28
Friday Deload front squat
45×10, 135×6, 185×6, 225×6, 2×6@275
Some light cardio after, same on Saturday.

Danny Vega

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