13 Nov Danny Vega – Deload Week
My current focus is on learning as much as possible as well as getting better at something I’ve never really been a fan of–endurance. I’ll be running a 5k on thanksgiving and then going right into prepping for the Gasparilla Half Marathon at the end of February. Lifting is still what I love, but I will be figuring out how to properly program it with all the running and endurance training I’ll be doing. I will be relying on Tony Cowden a lot during this process.
[wa-wps]Been bad about updating my log lately but it hasn’t really stopped for me since early October. I feel good…almost ready to wrap up this block. 1/2 marathon prep begins the week after Thanksgiving. Here’s what I’ve been up to since coming back from vacation:
I ran a 6:35 mile
11/4 OHP and run
A. OHP 45×15, 95×8, 135×5, 165×2, 3×5@190
B. Smith machine JM Press + closegrip superset 135×15+10, 155×10+5, 145×10+10
C. Cable tri extensions 3×30 + 20 push-ups on last set
D. 4K run at 8:07 pace
40 min Easy run at 9:34 pace. 4.18 miles
Deload run with push-ups every 2 min, walking cool down. 40 min, 3.28 miles, 200 push-ups
A. Deadlift 135×5, 225×3, 315×2, 5×1@385
B. 23 pull-ups
C. Lat pulldown 2×20@140
D. DB hammer curl 2×15@45
E. Preacher curl 2×15@70
F. 15 min run at marathon pace (8:15) or faster. 1.88 miles
A. Deload OHP 45×20, 95×10, 4×5@145
B. Rope extensions 3×30@100,115,115
C. Closegrip bench (feet up) 2×10@185,205
D1. Front + lateral raise 2×10 each @25
D2. Face pulls 2×20@85
E. Intervals x10. Run 30 sec on 60 sec off
Back at it again next week.

Danny Vega

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