21 Jan Danny Vega – Off Season Week 2 – Bench assistance
I am currently in off season mode. Over the next 4 months I will be focusing on building my bench and working on some weak points until I start meet prep for next May’s RPS Redemption meet. I will be competing raw with wraps in the 242 weight class.
[wa-wps]Off season is well underway and I am remembering that I’m actually a powerlifter and will have to get ready for a meet in a few months. So I heard Brian loud and clear this morning when he texted me to cut the reps on the main lifts. Reps are great and volume has its place, but Brian said he wanted me to focus on form and I tend to get lazy with form after a certain amount of reps. So I will adjust that after next week’s deload.
Floor press 45×15, 135×8, 175×5, 225×4, 265×6,285×6, 305×6, 325×6
Slingshot close grip bench 295×8, 325×8, 345×7
DB shoulder press 80×8, 100×10, 100×7
DB lateral raise ss with one arm cable extensions 3×15 each
Band face pulls 3×15

Danny Vega

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