Danny Vega – Off Season week 3 – Bench and pulls

I am currently in off season mode. Over the next 4 months I will be focusing on building my bench and working on some weak points until I start meet prep for next May’s RPS Redemption meet. I will be competing raw with wraps in the 242 weight class.


Deload week is going well. I feel fresh and I’m extra lean right now, so I’m increasing calories a bit next week.


45×15, 135×8, 175×5, 205×3, 5×1@235, 225×23. I used to fail at about 20 reps and now I’m repping out without failing at 23 so that’s good.

DB incline 2×10@90

DB Flyes with a pause 2×15@40

Deadlift (opposite mixed grip)

135×5, 225×3, 315×1, 5×1@405

Surprisingly not as uncomfortable as I thought these would be.

Then did a set of 16 strict pull ups before rows

Deadstop rows – I don’t care how much you do on these if your form sucks. There are times when sacrificing form (to an extent) in order to move more weight will actually benefit you. But when your jerking up and down, you are officially making this movement worthless. Anyway I did 225, 265, 285×6

Then did another set of 16 strict pull ups

Finished up with seated rows 2×15@190 and 1×50 leg curls at 100.

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Danny Vega

Danny Vega is a 220lb raw powerlifter with meet bests of 640 squat in wraps (610 raw), 400 bench, and 700 deadlift. A native of Miami, Florida, Vega received his bachelor’s degree in political science from Columbia University in 2004, where he was a member of the football team and a three-time Dean’s List recipient. Vega earned his masters of science in human performance from the University of Florida, where he worked with the national championship men’s basketball team along with women’s basketball, tennis, and golf programs. He then went on to become the Strength & Conditioning coordinator for VCU basketball. The Rams were 2007 conference champions and made it to the second round of the NCAA tournament.
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