03 Dec Danny Vega – Off season week 3 – More benching
I am currently in off season mode. Over the next 4 months I will be focusing on building my bench and working on some weak points until I start meet prep for next May’s RPS Redemption meet. I will be competing raw with wraps in the 242 weight class.
Very happy with the last three weeks. I feel like I have built some not so sucky work capacity (which has been and continues to be a main goal in this off season). The weight is light, yes, but on both bench days I am doing over 65 reps of bench (not including warm ups) which is almost twice what I would do in a typical off season. Today I did 70 reps of bench followed by overhead pressing.
The plan is to deload next week and then I will finally allow myself to use weights in the 300’s, starting with 5×5 the week after.
This morning:
2 board press 45×15, 95×8, 135×8, 185×6, 225×4, 5×8@275
Floor press 5×6@275. Missed the sixth rep at lockout on the last set. I suck at these, and Byrd and Brian told me they have used them a lot in the past with guys who can’t bench, so I’ll probably do them for the next 6 months at some point or another.
Overhead pressing is back (rotating weeks between dumbbell and barbell) and boy do I suck at them. Since it’s the off season, I’m gonna flat out say I want to get better at these. Because they are a great indicator of strength.
Did 175×8, 185×6, 185×6, then quickly stripped down to 95 for another 9 reps
One arm cable tri extensions (because Spoto) 50×25 each, 2×20 each @60
Danny Vega
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