17 Jul Danny Vega – Off-season Week 6 – Deloaded, Jacked and beautiful
Currently in Off-season mode. Will be preparing for a meet in the late fall after this 10 week block.
These Inzer gripper wrist wraps are awesome. They’re the perfect balance of thickness and stretch and they grip my wrist tighter than anything I’ve worn bc of the grip strips. Get them at www.inzernet.com. I also got my next level 10/20/life tank top in black and it’s softer than the other tees. Love it. Get it on this website.
This deload week really energized me. Can’t wait to squat heavy-ish on Monday (and finally try on my Inzer knee wraps).
DB bench 35*10, 10, 50*10, 65*10, 80*10, 100*15, 100*15
DB Incline Bench 50*10, 65*10, 80*15, 80*15
BW pull-ups 3*12
Push-ups 4*25 paired with Seated row 4*15@180
Band tri extensions x35,35,30
DB hammer curl 30*50 reps

Danny Vega

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