08 Jun Danny Vega – Off season week one – Squats
Currently in Off-season mode. Will be preparing for a meet in the late fall after this 10 week block.
Week 1 Squats
I knew it was gonna be bad today but I went for it anyway. Coming off of a meet and a week long vacation, today was brutal. I ended up lowering my squat top set by 20 pounds, my top set of deadlift by 40 pounds, and cutting my accessory volume in half. I plan on building up to what I originally programmed within a few weeks.
McGill warm-up, hip circle walks
Squat 55*10, 145*8, 235*8, 285*8, 325*8, added belt 375*8, wrapped knees 415*8. I had to lower my top set to keep the RPE at 6.
Took a 7 min rest to heal the uterus, then started pulling.
Deadlift 225*3, 315*3, 365*3, 385*3, 415*3, added belt 455*8
Pause squats 2*6@285. This will eventually be 4 sets getting progressively heavier.
GHR 2*10@bodyweight. This will eventually be 4 sets as well.
All in all, not too bad for the first day back. I woke up weighing 225, which was a surprise. Gonna have to increase calories significantly to keep my weight on.

Danny Vega

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