30 Jun Danny Vega – Pulls, Cardio, OHP
Over the next several months I will be the Guinea pig for some new ideas on training and diet that I will perfect with the help of Tucker Loken and Brian Carroll. This will be the groundwork for an upcoming ebook that we will release in the near future.
[wa-wps]Calories are up to 3600 on training days. Body weight is at 222. Energy is at an all time high. Yeah things are going well.
Tuesday pulls
2 min rest bw main lift, 1 min rest bw assistance lifts
Deadlift 5×5@455,465,475,485,495
Weighted GHR 3×15@25
Rack rows 4×8,6,5,8@255,275,295,245
Chest supported row 300×8,320×8,280×12
Widegrip dead hang pull ups x10,6
Preacher curls 3×12,10,15@90,90,70
DB hammer curl 2×15@45
Wednesday Cardio
25 min uphill walk 3.0mph, incline 5-11
500m row + Santa Monica stairs 5 sets each with 3 min rest bw supersets. Row splits 1:49,1:48,1:47,1:45,1:41
Thursday OHP
2 min rest bw main lift, 1 min rest bw assistance lifts
YTU 3×10 each
Standing OHP beltless 4×5@155,165,175,185,195×6
DB lateral raise ss w DB rear raise 3×10@35/30
Upright row ss w front raise 3×10@100/35
Seated face pulls ss w 1 arm tri extensions 3×15/30@100/35
150 push-ups ss w 150 calf raises

Danny Vega

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