23 Jul Danny Vega – Triple Six Week Two – Running, Benching, Pulling & more running
I just spent the last 3 months perfecting the 10/20/Powerbuilding template with Tucker Loken, and we nailed it. The ebook should be out by the fall under the guidance of our fearless leader, Brian Carroll. My newest goal is to complete the 666 challenge under the coaching of teammate Tony Cowden. This is by far the coolest goal I’ve set for myself and I hope to join the ranks of the few who have completed this challenge.
[wa-wps]Week 2 in the books. Some travel, laryngitis, and non stop activity. I’m pretty beat up and ready for a deload. All things considered, I’m doing pretty well. I’ve added a substantial amount of running and some cycling to my program, hit some heavier weights and I’m doing all of this on a low carb, high fat ketogenic diet. Looking at it this way, I’m really happy with my progress.
Tuesday I went for a 1.5 mile run while in Nashville for work and finished in 12:37. Two min faster than last week and felt good.
Thursday Bench
Bench Bench 45×20, 95×8, 135×5, 185×3, 225×3, 265×3, 315×1, 350×3, 275×12
Bent over rows 2 warm ups at 135×5, 185×5, 5×5@235,245,255,265,265
Assistance and Cycling
7/22 Pulls
Sumo 135×3, 225×3, 315×2, 405,455,475×4,495×2 and called it quits
Front squat 4×4 @245,275,305,335
GHR 4×6@25
Running stuff. Was pretty hard this morning. Time to rest and recover over the weekend.

Danny Vega

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