Paul Oneid – 18.1 and my Training Trip to T.O.

Due to personal and professional commitments, I have decided not to compete until Fall 2018.  Because I am taking such a long off-season, Tucker and I will be working together to shift my focus towards more bodybuilding hypertrophy work, with a diligent focus on my diet.  I need a goal and my body needs some time away from the competition lifts.  I am still diligently focusing on my weak points, but this is a new challenge and so far I am having a lot of fun – which is important!

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I completed CrossFit Open workout 18.1 on Friday evening in Pam’s 5pm class.  The group was awesome, the energy was high and I live streamed it on IG.  I had a great time and did much better than I though I would have.  I can only hope that the rest of the Open workouts go that well.  I ended up completing just under 8 rounds of 8 toes to bar, 10 DB Clean to Press and 14 calorie row in 20 minutes.  I changed nothing about my training before hand, nutrition etc. for this workout.  The whole point is just to do it and have fun.

Saturday morning, we got up, I picked up a rental car and headed down to Toronto.  That evening I had the pleasure of training with one of my favourite lifters and someone I look up to a lot in this sport – Jeremy Hamilton.  Jeremy just recently opened Fortis West in Mississauga, a sister gym to Fortis Fitness in downtown Toronto.  The place is awesome and just like its original location, is a paradise for lifters.  I just followed whatever Jeremy wanted to do.   We did a bunch of upper body work and I actually beat Jeremy on OHP.  I am going to take this win with a couple asterisks beside it because he has been injured and has taken some time off… but I still beat him and I let him know LOL. I also got to hang out with the homies Jordie Muffins, Matt Brass, Shawn McCarthy (owner of Bacon and Barbells) and the ladies Brianna, Lucy and Chanel.  After we all grabbed food, I drove to “Chez Whetham,” my favourite bed and breakfast… and the home of Ken and Sheri Whetham.

Ken and Sheri are two of the best people I have met in this sport.  They open up their home to an awesome group of lifters and I was fortunate enough to join them this weekend.  Sheri even made me breakfast and secretly cleaned all my Tupperware’s!  We squatted and pulled with a large group, which was fun and a bunch of PR’s were had.  I went a tad overboard with the loading, but my RPE was fine, so I’ll take the win.  As you can see in the video, my shoulders were pretty jacked up from the driving and the upper work the night before, but otherwise I felt very strong.  Weekends like this are exactly what needs to happen more this off season.  Have fun and train with people I don’t normally have the flexibility to train with.

Upper Body Fluff and Buff w Jeremy

I just followed whatever he did on this day.

  1. Seated OHP with Football bar – worked up in 5’s to 225, then 3’s to 245, then 225×8 to beat Jer by 1.
  2. Pushup-Ups with Fortis pushup station and harness – a bunch of sets of 8 (I think 6?).  This thing is awesome and I hope we can get one made for Dynamo
  3. Floor KB Extensions – 3×10
  4. DB Laterals to Upright Row – 2×15+15
  5. Cable Laterals /ss Facepulls – 3×12+20
  6. Fat Bar Pressdowns – 4×20
  7. Bear Pose with alternating limb lift – 3x20total

Squat/ DL at Outlaw Barbell

  1. Petersons – 6×10, increasing height
  2. High Bar Paused – up to 486×5 RPE 7 (75lbs up from last)
  3. Stiff leg – up to 476×5 RPE 7 (21lbs up from last)
  4. Belt Squat – 6×8
  5. GHR – 3×10 weighted



  1. Daily hip rehab sequence
    1. 5 minutes cardio
    2. Supine Alternating hip lift x20
    3. Deadbug hip reset x6/side
      • These two movements are aimed to centre the pelvis laterally and anterior/posterior
    4. McGill Big 3 – 5x10sec each movement
    5. Single Leg Glute Bridge – 3x10sec iso hold per side
    6. Iso Deadbug – 30sec/ side
    7. Single Leg RDL Iso hold – 30sec/side
  2. Upper
    1. Band dislocations and a bunch of pull aparts and pushups
  3. Lower
    1. SA Carries and Swings with Ken
    2. Tactical Frog with internal rotations
    3. SL RDL to Sprinter Pose to Hip Airplane
    4. Goblet Squats
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Paul Oneid

Paul is an elite level raw Powerlifter with personal bests of an 805lbs squat, 440lbs bench, 725lbs deadlift and a 1960lbs total in the 242lbs class, as well as an 800lbs squat, 430lbs bench, 700lbs deadlift and 1930lbs total in the 220lbs class. Paul brings a deep educational background to the team as he has earned Master’s degrees in both Sports Management and Exercise Science. He is a former D1 Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coach, who now works as a Functional Rehabilitation Specialist in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Paul provides coaching services in the areas of training and nutrition through his company Master Athletic Performance and is also the co-founder of a technology company, 1-Life Inc. Stay tuned for more information on that in the future!
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