Paul Oneid – Deloading pt 1



Next meet will be June 18, 2016.  I am just over 6 weeks out.  This deload week is much needed.  Due to timing I had to have a 3:1 training week twice in a row.  Until the meet it will be 2:1.  I am feeling very strong and healthy so far.  I take these deload weeks to really hammer my technique and to work on any movement imbalances I may have lingering from my surgery.  The recovery of the knee is finished, but training with it for so long created a lot of compensation issues.  It is improving, but it will take some time.

Bench Accessories

*Just focused on getting as tight as possible and initiating the press with leg drive.

  1. Bench – 275x5x3sets
  2. Close grip – 245x5x2sets
  3. DB Floor press/ lat pulldowns/ delts and arms *did this in a big circuit.


*typically I do not work up past 60ish percent on deloads, but with the shift in my hips only becoming apparent at 70%, I wanted to do 1 single there to see if changes had been made.  Lucky for me, they had!

  1. Deadlift – 500×1, 405x1x5-6sets
  2. SL RDL/ Rows/ Swiss ball leg curls/ TKE’s

The same warm-up was performed everyday:

  • Hip circle – 200 steps
  • Supine alternating hip hikes – x30
  • Side lying clams – x20ea
  • Lateral leg raise – x20ea
  • Single leg glute bridge – x10ea
  • Glute bridge iso hold – x:30s
  • Big 2 (bird dog/ mcgill situps)
  • Pallof Press (I prefer this to the rolling plank because it lets me feel the twist in my hips and correct it)
  • TKE Iso-hold – 10x5secx 2-4sets
  • On upper days
    • Band dislocations – 2×20
    • Band Pull aparts – 2×20
    • Mace Swings – lots
    • Pushups with scap protraction – 2×15
    • T-Spine mobilization – 2×5 holds
  • On Lower Days
    • Single leg RDL – 2x15ea
    • Hip Airplanes – 2x15ea
    • Bulgarian Split Squat – 2x15ea
    • Squat Hold – 2x:30s

I implement 10/20/Life a little bit differently than the other team members. I prefer to work off percentages, even in the off-season as I find it keeps me honest and gives me a specific goal for each training session.


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Paul Oneid

Paul is an elite level raw Powerlifter with personal bests of an 805lbs squat, 440lbs bench, 725lbs deadlift and a 1960lbs total in the 242lbs class, as well as an 800lbs squat, 430lbs bench, 700lbs deadlift and 1930lbs total in the 220lbs class. Paul brings a deep educational background to the team as he has earned Master’s degrees in both Sports Management and Exercise Science. He is a former D1 Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coach, who now works as a Functional Rehabilitation Specialist in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Paul provides coaching services in the areas of training and nutrition through his company Master Athletic Performance and is also the co-founder of a technology company, 1-Life Inc. Stay tuned for more information on that in the future!
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