08 Jan Paul Oneid – Re-Working the Squat
I recently competed at the EPC Open Challenge. The meet was over on my second squat where I suffered a re-injury to my right quad. Due to personal and professional commitments, I have decided not to compete until Fall 2018. Between now and then I will be focusing on first getting healthy and then working on some very glaring weaknesses in the bench and deadlift specifically.
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If you’ve been following along, you know I am working to correct a hip shift that is causing a whole host of issues. So far, things are feeling to be on pace, except I am inconsistent and out of shape. It will all improve with time, so I just need to be patient.
Working the high bar squat with band around the knees and tempo paused SSB squat. The high bar work went well, but I am inconsistent. I am trying to squeeze my glutes and quads at the top of each rep to centre my pelvis and and a strong hip hinge. I just have to be diligent and do it the same every rep. It is a learning process and I am taking it slow. I chose the high bar because it emphasizes the quads more. The band is used as a form of reactive neuromuscular training, or RNT. My knees tend to collapse, so by using a small amount of band tension in that direction, I engrain the proper glute and hip tension to keep the knees out. The tempo SSB is geared towards feeling tension evenly during the whole ROM. I am absolutely horrible at slow velocity training, but just like everything else, if I get stronger on these types of movements it should have great carryover.
- High bar, band around knees – 5×5, RPE 6
- SSB tempo paused squat – 4×6, RPE 6
- SA Bulgarian SS – 3x10ea
- SL RDL – 3x10ea
- 100lbs DBall carry – 10x50ft.
- Daily hip rehab sequence
- 5 minutes cardio
- Supine Alternating hip lift x20
- Deadbug hip reset x6/side
- These two movements are aimed to centre the pelvis laterally and anterior/posterior
- McGill Big 3 – 5x10sec each movement
- Single Leg Glute Bridge – 3x10sec iso hold per side
- Iso Deadbug – 30sec/ side
- Single Leg RDL Iso hold – 30sec/side
- TKE – 2x50ea
- Bulgarian SS – 2x15ea
- Cossack Squats – 2x10ea
- Goblet Squat – 2×10

Paul Oneid

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