Paul Oneid – Training, PodCasts, Diet and MORE!

Due to personal and professional commitments, I have decided not to compete until Fall 2018.  Because I am taking such a long off-season, Tucker and I will be working together to shift my focus towards more bodybuilding hypertrophy work, with a diligent focus on my diet.  I need a goal and my body needs some time away from the competition lifts.  I am still diligently focusing on my weak points, but this is a new challenge and so far I am having a lot of fun – which is important!

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Training has been going very well the last 3 weeks.  I pushed the deload to week 4, as opposed to deloading on the 3rd week as I have been.  The reason for this is that all the weights I am lifting are 60%, or lighter.  I find when loads are lighter that I am ok to push to a 3:1 training to deload schedule.  That said, even if I feel great next week I won’t push longer and I have a Podcast coming up to explain why.  PLAN YOUR DELOADS PEOPLE!!!  I cannot wait for this because I will be sitting down with “The Muscle Doc” Dr. Jordan Shallow to discuss deloading and other things training related.

Here are a couple videos from the top sets this past week:

**I actually almost died on the set of squats because the bar had so much whip to it! LOL.  I won’t be squatting anything over 405 at Pam’s gym again, that is for certain.**

So, like I said above this was the last week before deload.  I did 3 different squats variations, 3 different deadlift variations and 6 different pressing variations over the course of my 3 week microcycle.  I will continue to rotate through these again next microcycle and just try to beat the top sets while staying in the RPE 7 range.  This is a very simple and methodical approach, but as mentioned in earlier logs, my focus is on the diet and the bodybuilding work.  My quad is feeling awesome and after the squat session this weekend, I feel I am out of the woods.  Still need to get some stability back, but I am going to continue to push it a little bit week by week after the deload.  We are now 11 weeks post tear (14 post the first initial tear).

On that note, Tucker and I made the first modification to the diet.  I had been having some digestive issues with the higher fats, so we swapped some out for carbs.  I typically don’t digest fats well and anything over 75g a day really bothers me.  We tried to push this up closer to 100g for a few weeks, but I just couldn’t do it anymore.  The goal with the higher fats was to increase insulin sensitivity, which I hope we did a good job of in the short time.  Carbs are still moderate and I got blood work done before the shift, so we will see what that yields.  So far, bodyweight is down 2-3lbs and I am feeling great.  Sitting somewhere between 220lbs and 265lbs depending on the day.  In all seriousness, I am keeping the end goal to myself for now.  Tucker and I will share some results along the way.

This is what the two sessions above comprised of:



  1. Swiss Bar bench – 5’s up to 300×5 RPE 7
  2. Fat bar Strict Press – 8’s up to 185×8
  3. Feet elevated Neurogrip pushups – 5kgx15x3sets
  4. Bodyweight tricep extensions – 3×20
  5. Pressdowns – 4×25
  6. Deadbugs – lots



  1. Daily hip rehab sequence
    1. 5 minutes cardio
    2. Supine Alternating hip lift x20
    3. Deadbug hip reset x6/side
      • These two movements are aimed to centre the pelvis laterally and anterior/posterior
    4. McGill Big 3 – 5x10sec each movement
    5. Single Leg Glute Bridge – 3x10sec iso hold per side
    6. Iso Deadbug – 30sec/ side
    7. Single Leg RDL Iso hold – 30sec/side
  2. ShoulderRok – lots
  3. Band Pullaparts – lots
  4. McGill T Spine – 10reps
  5. Handstands – 3x30sec holds


Squat/ Deadlift

  1. Peterson Step-up – 6×8, working up in height of box
  2. High Bar Squat – 5’s up to 455×5 RPE 7 *whip of the bar limited me.
  3. 3″ deficit deadlift – 5’s up to 455×5 RPE 7
  4. Front rack goblet Bulgarian – 4x8ea
  5. GHR – 3×10
  6. SA Farmer – 240ft/ arm total



  1. Daily hip rehab sequence
    1. 5 minutes cardio
    2. Supine Alternating hip lift x20
    3. Deadbug hip reset x6/side
      • These two movements are aimed to centre the pelvis laterally and anterior/posterior
    4. McGill Big 3 – 5x10sec each movement
    5. Single Leg Glute Bridge – 3x10sec iso hold per side
    6. Iso Deadbug – 30sec/ side
    7. Single Leg RDL Iso hold – 30sec/side
  2. Tactical Frog with internal rotations – 2×10+10
  3. Multi-directional Lunge (4 ways) – 10reps per leg of each
  4. SL RDL – 2×10
  5. Hip Airplane – 2×10


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Paul Oneid

Paul is an elite level raw Powerlifter with personal bests of an 805lbs squat, 440lbs bench, 725lbs deadlift and a 1960lbs total in the 242lbs class, as well as an 800lbs squat, 430lbs bench, 700lbs deadlift and 1930lbs total in the 220lbs class. Paul brings a deep educational background to the team as he has earned Master’s degrees in both Sports Management and Exercise Science. He is a former D1 Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coach, who now works as a Functional Rehabilitation Specialist in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Paul provides coaching services in the areas of training and nutrition through his company Master Athletic Performance and is also the co-founder of a technology company, 1-Life Inc. Stay tuned for more information on that in the future!
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