22 Mar Paul Oneid – Transitioning to real weights
Transitioning into a meet prep for my next meet June 18, 2016. This will be my first meet in a year and a half. I am really looking forward to getting back on the platform.
Great week of training and getting acclimated to the heavier weights. Lots of work to do in the coming weeks. This week was very low in total volume. I am still hesitant with heavier weights, so I am being patient while I increase my volume.
Sunday – Bench Accessory
- Incline – 245x5x5sets
- Close grip – 275x5x5sets
- Dips – 105x10x4sets
- Mcgill Chins – 10×2
- Light DB work for delts, triceps and biceps
Monday – Deadlift
- Deadlift – 585x1x3sets
- Paused deadlifts – 405x5x3sets
- GHR – 3×10
- Rows – 3×10
- Some single leg and rehab work
Tuesday – REST
Wednesday – Lower Accessory
- Stiff Leg deadlift – 275x10x5sets
- Goblet squats – 4×10
- bodyweight rows – 100reps
- unilateral lower body stuff and abs
Thursday – Bench
- Bench – 365x1x3sets
- Slingshot – 405x1x3sets
- Flies – 4×10
- Mcgill Chins – 10×2
- Light DB and band work for delts, triceps and biceps
Friday – Squat (This would typically be Saturday, but we had a wedding to go to)
- Squat – 555x1x6sets
- Paused Front Squat – 405x1x3sets
- High bar squat – 315x2x8sets every minute on the minute
- GHR – 3×12
- Abs
Saturday – Travel and wedding and no REST 🙁
I am really looking forward to the weeks to come!
The same warm-up was performed everyday:
- Hip circle – 200 steps
- Supine alternating hip hikes – x30
- Side lying clams – x20ea
- Lateral leg raise – x20ea
- Single leg glute bridge – x10ea
- Glute bridge iso hold – x:30s
- Big 2 (bird dog/ mcgill situps)
- Pallof Press (I prefer this to the rolling plank because it lets me feel the twist in my hips and correct it)
- TKE Iso-hold – 10x5secx 2-4sets
- On upper days
- Band dislocations – 2×20
- Band Pull aparts – 2×20
- Mace Swings – lots
- Pushups with scap protraction – 2×15
- T-Spine mobilization – 2×5 holds
- On Lower Days
- Single leg RDL – 2x15ea
- Hip Airplanes – 2x15ea
- Bulgarian Split Squat – 2x15ea
- Squat Hold – 2x:30s
I implement 10/20/Life a little bit differently than the other team members. I prefer to work off percentages, even in the off-season as I find it keeps me honest and gives me a specific goal for each training session. Weights are light and I am trying to get my work capacity up. This is the beauty of 10/20/Life – It is a philosophy, NOT a cookie cutter program!

Paul Oneid

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