11 Nov Paul Oneid – Week 5 Bench and Pulls
I just competed on Oct 2, 2016. I finished with a PR total of 1960lbs via an 805lbs squat, 430lbs bench and a 725lbs deadlift. I’ll be taking the next 10-11 weeks to rebuild and work on some very glaring weaknesses in order to up my total again at the Arnold. I have qualified now as a 220 and 242, but I have yet to decide which class I’ll be competing in. Byrd will be handling my training and Tucker will be working with me on my diet. My goal is to continue to get stronger, plain and simple. Also, there will be lots of dog pictures.
So, this week was a tad screwy due to scheduling, but it is the off season and life comes first (who am I?!?). I had some treatment done on my neck/ trap/ shoulder on Tuesday morning, but had to bench in the evening. I got the work in, but it didn’t move as well as I would have liked. Pulls on Thursday were a mess. I irritated my ribs on my first of 2 top sets and cut the pulling there. I will be dialing back my deadlift numbers and making sure everything feels the way it should. Right now, my pull just feels off in general, so that will be remedied. 2 more sessions to wrap up this week and then a deload 🙂
On a more positive note, I got my CPAP on Friday. In the first few days of using it, I gained 4lbs and feel like a completely different person. I don’t NEED a coffee first thing in the morning. I am almost sleeping through the night and I haven’t had a nap all week. They say it takes about 2 weeks to notice the full benefit, so I can’t wait to see what I will feel like in another week. Goes to show how badly I was sleeping before hand!
Anywho, here is training:
- Bench – 4×5 at RPE 7, up to 340 for 2sets
- Close grip paused with chains – 225x3x3sets
- DB incline – 3×8
- Pressdowns – 100reps
- Deadlift – supposed to be 4×5 at 7 with 2 top sets, stopped at 525 with a rib out.
- BB Row – 5×5
- Pullups – 3×10 (with band)
- Incline Shrug ss/ facepulls – 4×10, 3×20
- Stir the pot – 3×50
The same warm-up was performed everyday:
- Hip circle – 200 steps
- Supine alternating hip hikes – x30
- Side lying clams – x20ea
- Lateral leg raise – x20ea
- Single leg glute bridge – x10ea
- Glute bridge iso hold – x:30s
- Big 2 (bird dog/ mcgill situps)
- TKE Iso-hold – 10x5s
- On upper days
- Band dislocations – 2×20
- Band Pull aparts – 2×20
- Mace Swings – lots
- Pushups with scap protraction – 2×15
- T-Spine mobilization – 2×5 holds
- On Lower Days
- Single leg RDL – 2x15ea
- Hip Airplanes – 2x15ea
- Bulgarian Split Squat – 2x15ea
- Goblet Squat – 2×15

Paul Oneid

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