TLDR: December PRS Team Meet Recaps

By: 10/20/Journalist

Because it’s what we do, the PRS team had to finish out 2015 with a bang. Or six meets, either way. A number of us qualified for the XPC Finals at the 2016 Arnold Sports Festival. Some of us made serious weight cuts.

Here’s how we did…


Morgan Colling

Date: 12/5/2015

Meet: USPA Strong Like Bull Powerlifting Championships

Location: Kansas City, MO

Category: Junior 20-23 Classic Raw

Weight class: 123

Actual body weight: 121

Results: 248/137/286 = 672

Things that went well: I got through it. I was ready to pull out of this meet for various reasons but I’m glad that I didn’t. It actually went much better than I’d planned and I had a lot of fun.

Things to improve for next time: TIMING! I should have known better than to try to prep for a meet when I knew that I wouldn’t be able to give 100%. I’ve had the best training sessions of my life since this meet and I attribute that to proper timing and a solid plan. I’m comin’ for you, Arnie!

Will Kuenzel

Date: 12/12/2015

Meet: RPS Holiday Havoc

Location: Fayetteville, NC

Category: Open Multiply

Weight class: 198

Results: Unfortunately, I bombed in the bench.

Things to improve for next time: Squatting wise, I’m going to work on lowering my bar placement. Previous suits have forced my bar position higher, but with the new Inzer, I won’t have to worry about that. Benching wise, I need to trust my strength more. I opened too light with the shirt too tight. Fixed it on the second, but mids-grooved it. For my third, I raised the weight but didn’t get the shirt jacked enough. Going to actually trust myself a bit more and go heavier in training. I had brought my weight down prior to meet prep and lost about 20 pounds. I was worried that it would have affected my bench more than it did; it didn’t and I was too hesitant. Not next time.


Crystal McCullough

Date: 12/12/2015

Meet: RPS Holiday Havoc

Location: Fayetteville, NC

Category: Open Raw

Weight class: 148

Actual body weight: 146.4

Results: 300/160/330 = 790

Things that went well: I had an amazing handler, Todd, and a killer support team in Lisa and Byrd who were there and Paltos on FaceTime as well as my family and my athletes. I totaled 790, qualifying me for the XPC Finals at the Arnold.

Things to improve for next time: I have a lot of work ahead of me leading into the Arnold on learning to finish in my bench. I had 170 on my 3rd attempt, and there’s no reason that I shouldn’t have had it. Byrd told me to flare my elbows, which I didn’t understand until after the fact. I have pulled 352 at a meet successfully, so I wasn’t satisfied with missing 350. I’ve never pulled sumo more than just in accessory work, so I would like to get more comfortable with it as well.

Link to meet write-up: READ HERE

Jason Pegg

Date: 12/6/2015

Meet: RPS Lexen Xtreme XXX

Location: Columbus, OH

Category: Open Raw

Weight class: SHW

Actual body weight: 314

Results: 775/200/675 = 1650

Link to meet write-up: READ HERE

Marc Tejero

Date: 12/6/2015

Meet: RPS Lexen Xtreme XXX

Location: Columbus, OH

Category: Open Multiply

Weight class: 148

Actual body weight: 148.2

Results: 650/425/600 PR = 1675 for best multiply lifter

Things that went well: Made weight easily cutting from 152 and made a deadlift PR.

Things to improve for next time: I was too small for my squat gear – need to be closer to 158 during my Arnold training cycle (already sitting at 160). I trained too heavy during my training cycle; Beth Thomas is doing my programming for the Arnold. Don’t eat anything new on meet day! I ate a bunch of Cap’n Crunch after my squat and felt like shit, which killed my bench (haven’t eaten cereal in 10 years). Recovered in time to pull a deadlift PR, but lowered my deadlift opener just to make sure that I finished the meet.

Chad Walker

Date: 12/5/2015

Meet: APF Gulf Coast Winter Bash

Location: Newport Richie, FL

Category: Open Multiply

Weight class: 308

Actual body weight: 305

Results: 1003/672/804

Things that went well: Everything went smoove. Brian and Byrd even drove down to help handle my meat. Great dudes!

Link to meet write-up READ HERE

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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