23 Nov An LCS Thanksgiving message
I wrote this a while back and with Thanksgiving so close, figure I’d give y’all something to read. Thanksgiving is one of the few days where I strive for an RPE of 10 on my eating. With so much wonderful food, I’m excited to enjoy everything. This year especially since I’ve been curtailing my eating for the past several months. Bring on the food and the pain.
Almost every person that gets the weight lifting bug decides they want to get big. Tons of guys want to be the next Arnold or Ronnie Coleman. These guys trained big and their training was no secret. So why don’t we see more massive guys walking around? It’s simply from the standpoint that you have to eat as hard as you train. Hardgainers love to toss out “I eat all the time, but I still can’t gain weight.” I’m guilty of saying that. Truth be told though, I just wasn’t eating hard enough. I just wasn’t consuming enough calories. It’s hard work to eat through the calories you burn working hard and on top of a fast metabolism.
I’m not going to tell you what to eat but rather how to eat. Too many times, guys are crushing it in the gym only to eat as half-heartedly as they train. There are 168 hours in the week. Let’s say training takes up 10 hours a week. That’s only about 6% of your week. What you do with the remaining 94% of the week makes a huge difference. Getting in that food is just as important as the training, and some might argue that it’s more important.
I’m going to introduce the Rate of Perceived Exertion of Eating. For those not familiar with scale for your Rate of Perceived Exertion I would suggest reading some of Brian Carroll’s work and specifically his excerpt from his 10/20/Life book.
The portion I’m specifically interested in, is this part and I’m going to take some creative liberties for the purpose of this article:
RPEs below 4 are not important.
4- Recovery. Usually 20+ rep sets. Not hard, but intended to flush the muscle.
5- Most warm-up weights
6- Light speed work. Moves quickly with moderate force.
7- Weight moves quickly when maximal force is applied to the weight.
8- Weight is too heavy to maintain fast bar speed, but is not a struggle. 2-4 reps left.
9- Last rep is tough, but still 1 rep left in the tank.
10- Maximal. No reps left in the tank.
This is how I’d like to view my food consumption. I especially like the part about RPE’s below 4 are not important. For weight gain, if you’re eating below an RPE of 5 you’ll never make it happen.
Take a look at the RPE of Eating.
RPE of Eating:
1-Starving, weak, dizzy
2-Very hungry, cranky, low energy, lots of stomach growling
3-Pretty hungry, stomach is growling a little
4-Starting to feel a little hungry
5-Satisfied, neither hungry nor full
6-A little full, pleasantly full
7-A little uncomfortable
8-Feeling stuffed
9-Very uncomfortable, stomach hurts
10-One spoonful away from Se7en style gluttony
If I’m looking to get stronger, I’m training in the 7-9 (pushing 10 sometimes) on the RPE training scale. When I’m looking to gain weight, I’m eating in the same range. If I’m only satisfied (RPEE at 5), I’ve still got a long way to go. All this just isn’t for a meal or 2 through the day. This is at every feeding. I’ll try to get as many as five to six meals here. You’re not going to only do one set at an RPE of 7 but several. What would make you think that one meal at 9 through the day would be enough?
For some, myself included, gaining weight is harder than losing it. I started lifting weights at a whopping 115lbs. Over the course of 12 years I’d managed to double it at one point and had achieved a top weight of 230lbs. That averages out to only 9lbs gained per year. Over the past couple of years that’s slowed down to only about 2lbs gained per year.
I’ll say it again, gaining weight (at least quality weight) isn’t easy. Eating yourself into a nauseous state isn’t fun, but if getting big is your goal, you have to push those calories in and constantly work on getting that RPEE up.
Low Country Strength
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