Ashman – MEAT day is coming

MEAT day is coming pretty damn fast…. I have had an up and down training cycle, in fact an up and down year, when it comes to little injuries, aches, pains, and bullshit like that.

I am sure I will have a half way decent meet, but I want more… and I formulated an off-season plan for myself to get there.

More on that after the workouts.


Set 1: 135 lbs × 3
Set 2: 185 lbs × 2
Set 3: 225 lbs × 2
Set 4: 315 lbs × 2
Set 5: 365 lbs × 2
Set 6: 405 lbs × 2
Set 7: 455 lbs x 2
Set 8: 495 lbs x 2
Set 9: 545 lbs x 2

Working on pop from the floor rather than griding it out for now. My speed is an issue and I can only progress if I redevelop that.

Box Squat
Set 1: 245 lbs × 2
Set 2: 335 lbs × 2
Set 3: 335 lbs × 2
Set 4: 335 lbs × 2
Set 5: 335 lbs × 2
Set 6: 335 lbs × 2
Set 7: 335 lbs × 2
Set 8: 335 lbs x 2
Set 9: 335 lbs x 2

30s rest between sets, pause on the box and explode off of it as fast as I can.

Glute Ham Raise
Set 1: 10
Set 2: 10
Set 3: 10

Bent Over Row (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 75 lbs × 12
Set 2: 75 lbs × 12
Set 3: 75 lbs × 12

Last night:

Late night bench workout…

Bench Press
Set 1: 45 lbs × 20
Set 2: 135 lbs × 5
Set 3: 185 lbs × 3
Set 4: 225 lbs × 3
Set 5: 275 lbs × 2
Set 6: 315 lbs × 2
Set 7: 365 lbs × 2
Set 8: 405 lbs × 2

No handoff for this one. Forgot how much of a pain in the ass that can be.

1″ Pause Bench
Set 1: 315 lbs × 5
Set 2: 315 lbs × 5
Set 3: 315 lbs × 5

Cable Crossover
Set 1: 60 lbs × 15
Set 2: 60 lbs × 15

Chin Up
Set 1: 5 reps
Set 2: 5 reps
Set 3: 5 reps

V Bar Pressdown
Set 1: 120 lbs × 20
Set 2: 120 lbs × 20
Set 3: 120 lbs × 20

Chins and pressdowns were supersets.

The offseason:

I am buying a sled first and foremost for two reasons.

  1. to get my conditioning back up to par
  2. to build hip and leg strength back up without added barbell volume

I am taking a year off of ANY competition to work on some areas that I need to bring back up to par.

The plan is to work on rep PR’s for squat, bench and deadlift while targeting accessory work around what ails me.

Conditioning will be given priority as I build back up aerobic capacity. As I said, sled work, some rowing and some running.

The next meet I do after this November will be NEXT November. If all goes according to plan and I execute it correctly I will expect big improvements across the board.

In the meantime… enjoy the selfie of me wearing the badass 10/20 Columbia Blue shirt.

Get that shit here

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