24 May Ashman – MEAT prep #24weeksout
After a couple weeks of training without gear, doing some light work and generally getting my ass back into gear mentally and physically; I am ready to start attacking heavier shit with the loose-as-hell-briefs-that-need-to-be-taken-in-because-I-can-pull-them-on-without-wanting-to-kill-myself.
The last few times I squatted with briefs I took my stance out too far and felt off balance as hell. I am not used to going Chuck V wide and my hips can’t deal with that level of outward footbility (that is a new word I just made up). This time I brought the stance in some and I will be using the Safety Squat Bar for a while to keep my shoulders healthy and to also work on keeping my back more upright, tight and right.
** SSB Box Squat **
– 160.0 lbs x 3 reps
– 250.0 lbs x 3 reps
– 300.0 lbs x 3 reps
– 340.0 lbs x 3 reps
– 400.0 lbs x 3 reps
RPE of 6ish for today. This felt fast, easy and clean. Hips felt fine and the weight blew up. I am not getting much at all from these briefs yet since they are so loose, but they do a nice job of keeping my hips from blowing up going wider.
** Sumo From 1.5″ Mats **
– 225.0 lbs x 2 reps
– 315.0 lbs x 2 reps
– 405.0 lbs x 2 reps
– 500.0 lbs x 2 reps
Solid, fast reps. About an RPE of 6.
** Glute-Ham Raise **
– 8 reps
– 8 reps
– 8 reps
– 8 reps
** KB Swings **
– 75.0 lbs x 15 reps
– 75.0 lbs x 15 reps
– 75.0 lbs x 15 reps
Today’s focus was the main lifts and posterior chain. I am keeping the 4day a week plan since I now have a training partner in Dirty Dan Hentges who is along for the ride during this journey.
Tomorrow is bench and tricep work, shirted bench that is.
Day 3 will be Quads and back while Day 4 lifting is set up to be a pretty boy swole day of shoulder accessory work and bicep blasting.
Let the fun continue.
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