Brian Carroll | 10/20/Life | Week 6 squat training update with video

A historic picture with the great Shawn Frankl talking Adam through a bench in 2010.

I'm currently training in an offseason approach using the 10/20/Life method. I've only been back to training for about four weeks, and shoulder has been excellent, with very few roadblocks and setbacks. Huge thanks to Andrew Lock for the help in my shoulder progressions and understanding a better way to incorporate more efficient cervical, thoracic and rotator/shoulder training into my approach. Still so much to learn!

Lots of cool things on the horizon this year. I have to say that I don’t do well with change but I’m learning to embrace it (as hard as this is). I have a new group of athletes coming over to the house (PRS HQ) and I must say that it’s been a great change for me. I needed a change in scenery, and energy – we all do after a long period of time.

My plan for writing is as follows: new training Logs on Monday (minimum, some days more) a rant or update here or there on Wednesday and a new article on Friday. You can find them all here.

If you haven’t already, make sure to read my latest article Team Samson – My greatest influence. 

I made some progress last week, but the improvements are very slow. I have to be patient.

Last week’s squat training highlights:

  • Day 1 Squat: Top set: 3 plates on SSB + 100 in chains for multiple singles
  • lighter on Belt squat than previous weeks.
  • Did locked-in strap good mornings for the first time in about 7-8 years. Felt great.

Day 1 squat 10/20/Life Warm-up

  1. Suitcase carry
  2. McGill big 3/shoulder big 3
  3. Goblet Squat /lock pull-down
  4. Empty bar


Work for the day:

  1. Squats up to 3plates on the SSB with 100lbs in chains
  2. Good morning: 3×5 – 225
  3. Pause belt squat: 3×5
  4. Modified nordic curl with a band: few reps
  5. Stir the pot: 100


The next few weeks will be focused on building strength into my legs and back. I will stick to these exercises including the squats with chains for the next cycle until I need a deload. Each week I’m going to try to improve either my pace, my intensity or my volume. I will use my instincts with progressions.

I know it’s not much, but at least around 400lbs is something though not great. I feel like I’m doing a full-on rebuild! The hardest part of long term strength training is holding back, not pushing forward mindlessly. The ego is much a double-edged sword. Mine is suffering pretty good right now.

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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