Some with more complicated back cases will need IN-PERSON assessment, coaching, and progress assistance. At the same time, others want to be virtually coached through the evaluation and wish to avoid the pressure...

The Goblet squat is a universally used variation of the squat. Depending on the goal, use it as a warm-up, a primer, or the central movement. In this article, I will give the...

I understand massage to be very helpful to many people who deal with back pain. But remember, there is more to fixing your back than getting passive treatment once a month....

Hard work is essential. While this is true, I think this quote is misleading and only valid when talent coasts and doesn't apply themselves....

I had used more common sense and properly assessed my pain triggers, as shown in Dr. McGill's Back Mechanic, they might have lasted more than 2-3 weeks. But instead, I took "no days...

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