The Squat Walkout
By Paul Oneid & Lisa Guggisberg There is a lot of information out there about how to squat correctly, how to build a bigger squat etc., but what a lot of people tend to...
By Paul Oneid & Lisa Guggisberg There is a lot of information out there about how to squat correctly, how to build a bigger squat etc., but what a lot of people tend to...
By Daniel Dalenberg As referred to in the 10/20/Life system, a fluff and buff workout is a quick, high volume, low intensity bodybuilding session. It will be several low stress movements performed for high...
By Lisa Guggisberg One of my favorite things to do besides powerlifting, is baking. I love making cakes, cupcakes, pies, and anything that is sweet, or has the potential to give you diabetes. If...
By Lisa Guggisberg One of my main go-to warm up movements, in addition to the McGill Big 3, is the Goblet squat (the 10/20/life warm-up has 4 parts as described in the 10/20/Life Second...
By Danny Bellmore We all have that one lift that seems to progress slower than the others. For me, the deadlift has been a thorn in my side since day one. I pulled conventional...
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