Putting Newbies Into Gear
By: Will Kuenzel At some point the dark side of powerlifting starts to creep into the back of your mind. Gear, equipment, "cheating". Whatever the Rawng folks are calling it these days. Those of...
By: Will Kuenzel At some point the dark side of powerlifting starts to creep into the back of your mind. Gear, equipment, "cheating". Whatever the Rawng folks are calling it these days. Those of...
By: Daniel Dalenberg My first meet was in 2004. I lifted raw in a puny weight class as a 15-year-old kid. When I first started out, everyone wore gear. In the first few years,...
By: Daniel Dalenberg This spring I made the decision to try my hand at multi-ply powerlifting and give a full equipped meet a go. I knew it wouldn’t be easy. Between some of my...
By: Jonathan Byrd After 18 years of training you would think I had this whole thing figured out? That’s the beauty of strength training, there is always something new to work on. One of...
By: Dain Soppelsa-Friends of PRS Before I started using the 10/20/Life principles last fall, my favorite squat/deadlift assistance exercise was doing sumo kettlebell deadlifts while standing on a tractor tire on its side. I...
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