Training the CORE for Strength Athletes by Dr. McGill Part 3
You don't want to get loose, then try to correct. You want to get stiff, pull the slack out of the spring.. stiff, stiff, stiff to realign the line of drive through your...
You don't want to get loose, then try to correct. You want to get stiff, pull the slack out of the spring.. stiff, stiff, stiff to realign the line of drive through your...
Back Endurance, not strength, is the key to back health. The ability to lock the core in and remain motionless under load is critical....
First, dead hang, concentrate on squeezing your shoulder blades together, and anti-shrug with a stiffened core tuned appropriately....
Always design your core work and, for that matter, your assistance work to meet the demands of your sport and your goal....
Of course, this is for the strength athlete, not only the equipped and unequipped powerlifter, so don't check on me. Nevertheless, most of these details are incredibly pertinent, regardless of how you choose...
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