Chris Bartl Training Log 10/29/14

Let’s face it, deload weeks are boring as hell and considering all I’m doing are two movements during a training session, mine are even MORE boring.  Still, I enjoy them because I am done fast and I know that if I don’t take them I will end up being a washed up flash in the pan.  That is assuming my pan could actually flash but I digress….

Today I put an end to my calf rehab.  Things have been going along nicely and I no longer have any pain in my left calf.  I will do some light mobility to keep the scar tissue from building up too much but not a ton, same with soft tissue work.

With that in mind, I tried running today.  Seriously, I couldn’t help but laugh at myself.  It was quite funny because I felt like a fat kid trying to ride a bike for the first time.  My stride felt wrong, my foot strike was off and I just felt awkward.  Good thing I have a ton of them in front of me so I can continue to work on it.

Nothing special happened.  Seriously, nothing did.

Warm Up

2 rounds of McGill Big 3

2 rounds of push ups

Floor Press

Bar – 3×10

95 – 2×5

135 – 1×5

185 – 1×3

225 – 5×1

Incline DB Press

3×15 – 55 lbs



Cool Down

1 round of McGill Big 3 [share title=”Share this Article” facebook=”true” twitter=”true” google_plus=”true” linkedin=”true” pinterest=”true” reddit=”true” email=”true”][author title=”About the Author”]

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