Dain Soppelsa Contest Prep 5 Weeks Out 8/6/17 & 8/7/17

I am currently a little over 5 weeks out from the RPS Indiana State competition on September 16th. I will be competing as a multiply 308 class lifter. Dan Dalenberg will be handling my training leading up to the meet. The weights are getting heavier every session and I feel strong and ready to  compete.

Day 1 Squat/DL


McGill Big 3

Goblet Squats

Free Squats-full gear

825 x 1-Last warm-up

915 x 1 x 2  RB-Opener

I set up with my feet a hair too far back on the first set with my opener. I had to have my spotters take it because I was losing my balance forward. I reset and completed the set. I got my set-up right on the second set and the weight moved much better. Getting there.

DL-full gear

500 x 1-Last warm-up

645 x 1 x 2-Opener

The weights moved well, but my training partner Chris pointed out that I was grabbing the bar with an uneven grip which was causing me to windmill a bit. I’ll tighten it up next session.

Single Leg GM

15 x 3 sets per leg

Planks for time

Plate Pinches


Fluff and Buff Day


McGill Big 3

McGill Chin-ups

1 x 10

Bent Over Rows

8 x 3

BB Shrugs

15 x 3

Piston Squats

5 x 3

Goblet Squats

15 x 3

Single Leg GM

15 x 3

Hex DB Holds



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Dain Soppelsa

Dain comes to the PowerRackStrength Team with many years of competitive experience. He started competing in southwest Michigan in 2001 and has primarily lifted multi-ply since then. He has totaled pro in 3 weight classes; 2304@275, 2435@308 and 2500@SHW. His best lifts include a 1060 squat, 800 bench and 715 deadlift.
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