Dain Soppelsa Training Log 11/12/17-11/18/17

I recently competed at the RPS Live Large Fall Brawl in North Canton, OH. I lifted multiply as a 308 class lifter. I totaled 2,341 via a 942 squat, a 738 bench and a 661 deadlift. Zane Geeting will continue to handle my programming during my offseason. I will be making a run at doing a meet in April or May at 275.

Day 1 Squat/Deadlift

Warm-up- McGill Big 3

Goblet Squats– 15 x 3 sets

Single-Leg GM– 15 x 3 sets per leg

KB Swings– 12 x 3

KB Shrugs– 15 x 3

Grip Work– 3 sets


Day 2 Bench Press

Warm-up– McGill Big 3, Band Flyes

DB Floor Press– 15 x 3

Band Pushdowns– 100 reps

Lat Pulldowns– 15 x 3

Band Pull Aparts– 15 x 3

Grip Work– 3 sets


Day 3 Accessory Day

Warm-up– McGill Big 3

Hammer Strength Press– 10 x 3

Hammer Strength Incline Press– 10 x 3

Cable Pushdowns– 15 x 3

Leg Ext– 15 x 3

Leg Curls– 15 x 3

Calf Raises 15 x 3

Rolling Planks– 12 x 3

I haven’t started my offseason work yet. I will be staying away from any barbells for one more week and giving myself plenty of time to get healthy. The plan is to start fresh next Sunday with a bar on my back. My bodyweight is slowly coming down and I’m sitting at 291. The tentative plan is to continue to bring my weight down to around 280 before my next meet prep to give me a bit of room to play with before I take a crack at 275 in the spring.


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Dain Soppelsa

Dain comes to the PowerRackStrength Team with many years of competitive experience. He started competing in southwest Michigan in 2001 and has primarily lifted multi-ply since then. He has totaled pro in 3 weight classes; 2304@275, 2435@308 and 2500@SHW. His best lifts include a 1060 squat, 800 bench and 715 deadlift.
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