11 Jun Dain Soppelsa-Training Log for week of 6/5/17, week 1 of new off-season
Day 1 Squat/Deadlift
McGill Big 3
Buffalo Bar Squats RPE 6
up to 415 x 5 raw
KB Swings
8 x 4
Plate Pinches
Day 2 Bench Press
McGill Big 3
2 Board Press w/ long pause RPE 6
225 x 5
245 x 5
275 x 5 x 3
Noodle Press
225 x 5 x5
Fat Man Pull-ups
10 x 3
Band Pushdowns
100 reps
Plate Pinches
3 sets
Day 3 Lower Body Assistance
McGill Big 3
McGill Chin-ups
1 x 10
Bent Over Rows
8 x 3
15 x 3
Piston Squats
5 x 3
Goblet Squats
10 x 3
Single Leg GM’s
10 x 3
Plate Pinches
3 sets
I didn’t pull this week because I got some tattoo work done on my lower leg and I didn’t want to scrape it up with the deadlift bar. This off-season is going to kick my butt. I can already tell. The way Dan has my bench press training written is making me do all my pressing from my weakest spot, which is great and terrible. It will definitely make me stronger, which will pay off come October. For now it sucks a lot. My whole back and lats were fried by the time I got through the pressing movements. I did realize something during this week and Dan agreed with me and said he had noticed the same thing. When I bench press raw, I tend to drop the bar on my stomach and let it sink it before I press it up. I think I end up flattening out and getting loose out of the bottom because of this. So I am going to work on bringing the bar down more controlled and making sure to keep my back and lats tight throughout the movement. I’m excited to see what happens during the next 9 weeks with my bench especially.

Dain Soppelsa

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