Dain Soppelsa-Training Log Week of 7/3/2017-O.S. Wk 5 Deload

Day 1 Squat/DL


McGill Big 3

Goblet Squats

Buffalo Bar Squats RPE 5

325 x 1 x 5

Sumo DL

315 x 1 x 5

KB Swings

8 x 4

Wide Stance Pause Squats

2 x 4

Plate Pinches

3 sets


Day 2 Bench Press


McGill Big 3

Band Flyes

Flat Bench Press RPE 5

225 x 1 x 5

Shirt Break-in 

315 x 5 3 board

405 x 3 x 2 3 board

Band Pushdowns

100 reps

Lat Pulldowns

12 x 3

Plate Pinches

3 sets


Day 3 Lower Body Assistance Day


McGill Big 3

McGill Chin-ups

1 x 10

Bent Over Rows

8 x 3

BB Shrugs

15 x 3

Piston Squats

5 x 3

Goblet Squats

15 x 3

Single Leg GM

15 x 3

Hex DB Holds

3 sets

Nothing of note as far as squat and deadlift day. Nice and light as a deload is supposed to be.

I am 1 for 6 in my last two meets in the bench press. For whatever reason, I just can’t seem to get the SDP that I have to work for me. Whether it’s the fit or I’m just being a sissy, I’m not sure. I have a new Rage X size 56 with grid-stitched sleeves that I’m going to give a try for my next meet in October. One really nice thing is that the sleeves are very tight, which is something I have been lacking. I’m just breaking it in a little bit before my contest prep starts. I like the way it feels so far.

My family and I celebrated the fourth of July outside Kalamazoo for the first time in 7 years. It was so nice. People were setting off fireworks, but they were spread out and not right in front of my house for a change. I also didn’t have to pick up a bunch of used fireworks out of my yard the next day, which was also a nice change. So much less stressful this year. We also got a big swing set/slide/play structure for our back yard for the girls and they are really going to love it. It’s great to have a big enough back yard to be able to do it finally.




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Dain Soppelsa

Dain comes to the PowerRackStrength Team with many years of competitive experience. He started competing in southwest Michigan in 2001 and has primarily lifted multi-ply since then. He has totaled pro in 3 weight classes; 2304@275, 2435@308 and 2500@SHW. His best lifts include a 1060 squat, 800 bench and 715 deadlift.
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